The group line of financial statements is used to display the amount information of other line types under that line, which are coded according to the level structure (certain lines can be excluded depending on the transaction type) in summary on a single line. The group line can be independent from other groups, or can be the sub-line of another group depending on the definition code. Furthermore, it is also processed in the calculation of Subtotal and Grand Total information located in subsequent lines.

The amount of the group line is calculated by aggregating the amount of other lines that are listed under this line, and that are “sub-lines” according to the definition code.

The following information is recorded on the group definition window:

Definition Code: The line code of the group information. The codes entered here are processed as chart of accounts codes. This means that if entries are made according to the level structure, it is possible to form sub-groups and sub-lines from groups and other line types. Coding example:

1. Main Group 01
    Sub-group 01.1
    Account 01.1.01

Definition Name: The description of the group line entered on the code field. This description is displayed next to the group code.

Transaction Type: This information indicates how the amount of the group line will affect the Subtotal and Grand Total fields located on subsequent lines.

If the defined group line is used as a subgroup due to the coding method, this option also specifies how the line amount will affect the main group. The options are:

  • Add
  • Delete
  • Do Not Process

Inverse Balance: This option is used to avoid the amount information from being displayed on the table report by selecting “Do Not List” if the total amount resulting from sub-lines is negative. The options are:

  • List
  • Do Not List

Reporting: This option can be used if the line of the defined group is not to be completely displayed on the financial statement report. The effect of this option is only visual, and prevents the group line only from being printed on the table report. The options are:

  • Print
  • Do Not Print

Comparison Codes: The field used to enter the codes of the related accounts in order to display the effect of sub-accounts that form the group on the balance of these groups as a percentage while the related financial statement report is generated. In other words, these are the definition codes required to compare sub-totals and account totals that affect grand totals. Example: In order to display the effect of the sub-group 01.1 Cash Equivalent Assets on the general total of 0.1 Current Assets, 01.1 must be entered for the first comparison code in the 01 Current Assets Group definition.