It might prove necessary to perform certain activities to conduct a project, and some sub activities to perform these activities. You can define activities and sub activities in this list. You can also define other works, which are necessary to complete a project and should be considered as a project on its own. Activities list offers a hierarchical structure either through sub templates or sub activities. You should write parent template code before the sub activity or template code or you should separate two codes with a period.
Use "Add Activity" option located under Activities tab > New option to add activity to the template. If it will take the activity from a sub template, then Add Sub Template option is used. You can define/add Work Definition to the activity in the same window.

See. Work Definitions

Template Activity Info
You can record activity information of the template under the following tabs.

  • General
  • Previous Activities
  • Notes


The code of the template activity. It is a mandatory field.


The name or description of the template activity.

Authorization Code

Used for detailed authorization definition. It is 10 characters long. There are records, which users should be able to use within the scope of their work definition. The relevant template steps, which users will be able to use, are defined in authorization code field. Detailed authorization definition requires planning. First, you should determine the relevant users or user groups who will be able to access or perform operations on the template steps. Then a different authorization code is assigned to each template group that can be used by the relevant authorization groups. So, users are assigned access permission on template basis. Users can access and process the templates only if logged in with the specified authorization code in Authorization Code field.

Auxiliary Code

A secondary coding field that is used to group template activity. It is an alphanumeric field that is 10-character long. Auxiliary Code is used to group templates by company specific criteria.

Work Group

Work group information of the template activity. It opens Work Groups browser. The relevant record is selected, or a new definition is made. See. Work Groups

Activity Duration

Activity duration is entered.


In order to determine the stages of the project and calculate progress payments in the related stages, some of the activities must be specified as milestone. If checked, activity is shown with a separate character in Gantt schema.

End Date of an activity that is checked as Milestone is updated the same as the Start Date, and Activity Duration is shown as zero. If required, activity duration can be changed.


The employee, who is responsible of the activity, is entered. It opens Employees browser and the relevant employee is selected. Employee info is transferred from template general information by default. However, it can be changed if necessary.

Organizational Unit

Organizational Unit, which will be conducting the relevant activity, is entered. It opens Organizational Units browser and the relevant definition is selected.


This field is active only if "The Calendar is Related to Project" is not checked. A calendar can be selected for the template activity apart from the project's calendar.

The Calendar is Related to Project

When "The Calendar is Related to Project" is checked, calendar information that is specified in project template is assigned to template activity. If it is not checked, you can access Calendars browser and select a calendar.

Work Definition Price

Work definition price of the project template activity is entered. When Work Definition is specified, all field information is filled by default. However, they can be changed if necessary. See. Work Definitions