Projects consist of sub projects and project activities. Consisting of child activities, each activity can also function as a parent activity. Additionally, there can be a standard flow that applies for the projects of specific types. Meaning that project templates can be used to define projects, which usually consist of the same sub projects, sub and parent activity types, resource personnel or equipment definitions.
In order to define a new template or to modify the existing templates, you can use the relevant options, Attached Records, Info and right click menu options in Project Templates browser.


Used to make a new template definition.


Used to change template information.


Used to delete template(s).


Used to copy template definition. It ensures quick and secure data entry.


Used to view template info.



Used to update project templates list.


Back to Defaults

Used to return to the default window sizes.




Record Information

Displays the time and the user of the first registry and the last modification of the record.



Used to list system log.