Amount information of certain lines on FC financial statements and cash and fund flow tables cannot be obtained from the chart of accounts. (as in the cash amount of the XX amount, provisions from YY account). In such cases, it is necessary to allow lines for which the amount will be entered by the user in financial statement definitions. Amount lines perform this function.

The Amount line can be independent from other groups, or can be the sub-line of another group depending on the definition code. Furthermore, it is also processed in the calculation of Subtotal and Grand Total information located in subsequent lines.

The application does not perform any calculation, and the amount to be displayed is entered directly by the user. The following information is recorded using the amount option.

Definition Code: Used to assign a line code to the amount information. If this code is specified according to the level-based structure, it can be the sub-line of a group. Other lines cannot be connected as sub-lines to an amount line no matter what definition code is used. In other words, the amount information of the Amount line is not affected by other lines, and is generated only according to the amounts of the defined accounts in local or foreign currency.

Definition Name: The description of the amount line entered on the code field. This description is displayed next to the Amount code on the table report.

Transaction Type: This information indicates how the amount of the amount line will affect the Subtotal and Grand Total fields located on subsequent lines.

If the defined amount line is used as a sub-group due to the coding method, this option also specifies how the line amount will affect the main group. The options are:

  • Add
  • Delete
  • Do Not Process

Reporting: This option can be used if the line of the defined group is not to be displayed on the financial statement report. The options are:

  • Print
  • Do Not Print

In LC (Amount): The amount required to be displayed next to the description of this line on table reports, and to be added to line calculations is entered on this field in Local Currency.

In FC (Amount): If the table report is generated in Foreign Currency, the amount required to be displayed next to the description of this line on table reports, and to be added to line calculations is entered on this field in Reporting Currency.