The type options and contents that may vary depending on the material characteristics group type selection are:

Pick List

The “Pick List” option allows material characteristic group values to be defined on a list and the value selection to be made from the defined list during configuration. The information to be recorded using the “Pick List” option includes:

Value: The material characteristic group value. This data is automatically transferred by the application, and cannot be changed.

Description: The definition or description of the material characteristic group value. The translation of the description in different languages can be entered on the list accessed through the “…” icon.

Image: The image of the material characteristic group value. Selection can be made from the recorded image files list accessed through the “…” icon.

Used to move the lowest material characteristic group value to the top.

Used to move the upper material characteristic group value to the bottom.

Used to move the related material characteristic group value one position up.

Used to move the related material characteristic group value one position down.

Value Range

For material characteristic groups with value range type, a specific range is entered, indicating that the related characteristic group value can be in this range. (For example, between 90 cm and 180 cm). An increase value can also be assigned. This increase value can draw more concrete borders of the valid value list within the value range. (For example, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180 (increase=10)). The information to be recorded using the value range type includes:

Beginning Value: The minimum value to be assigned to the material characteristic group.

End Value: The maximum value to be assigned to the material characteristic group.

Increase Value: The increment quantity of the material characteristic group value.

Exceptions: The field used to enter values that fall between the specified start and end dates but are not to be used. Values set as exception are removed from the specified value range. Values to be excluded are entered into the field by being separated with semicolons.


The Calculation option is used if the characteristic group value will be defined with a calculation.

Date / Time

Characteristics of Date/Time type are recorded by selecting Date/Time on the type field. The start and end dates to be applied to the characteristic group value are recorded on the related fields.


The Text option located on the type field of the material characteristic definition window is used if a default information will be used as the characteristic group value. The information to be used as characteristic is recorded on the Default field under the Text heading.