The server or the client which made the requested operation can be terminated by defining the finalizer handler.

Following is the process below.

  1. Open LPT Project in package explorer-->Go to definitions --> finalizerHandlers.lcfh

  2. Customization is Finalize Handler Definitions screen opens. right click on the screen > and press Add

  3. Fill up the necessary fields in Customization is Finalize Handler Definitions as shown in the 
    picture on right.

  4. Afterwards It contains the class definition that occurred made by finalize method, we perform the requested operation .

package com.LPT.customization;
import com.lbs.platform.interfaces.ICustomizationFinalizer;
import com.lbs.platform.interfaces.IApplicationContext;

public class CustomFinalizer implements ICustomizationFinalizer 
  public void finalize(IApplicationContext context, String custGUID) {

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