The batch service is written to run batch processes on the j-guar system. This service can be used to process all batches defined in j-guar. Filter and parameter definitions required for batch processing are accessed via this service.


The batch service uses j-guar user security. The username and password information of a j-guar user, which is valid and can be connected to the system (uninhibited, un-expired, etc.), must be defined in the SOAP messages sent to the Service. This service can only be used by j-guar users.

Service Access Address

To access this service, the address of the j-guar system is as follows:


Example address:

Service Methods

  • getFilterList(String batchName, RWSBasicParams basicParams) : Filtering of all batches defined in j-guar is a rotating method.
  • getParameters(String batchName, RWSBasicParams basicParams) :The parameters of all batch operations defined in j-guar are the returning method.
  • executeBatch(BWSParams batchParams, RWSBasicParams basicParams): J-guar is the method that runs all the defined batch operations.
  • getBatchStatus(int batchID, RWSBasicParams basicParams) : ID is the method that returns the current state of the given batch operation.

Serviced Objects


 The BWSParams object contains the batch name, parameters, and filter list.

  •     batchName: The parameter is the name of the batch operation.
  •     parameters : Parameter that specifies the parameters of the batch process.
  •     filtersValues: The parameter specifying the filter values of the batch operation.


The RWSBasicParams object contains the company, period and language information to be linked to J-guar  parameters:

  • firm : Specifies company information. It is the number of the institution to be used during the j-guar connection (login) before the operation is performed. This value should be the number of a valid institution. If it is not a valid institution number, the operation fails because j-guar connection (login) is not available.
  • period : Specifies the period information. This is the number of the period to be used during j-guar connection (login) before the operation is performed. This value should be the number of a valid turn. If it is not a valid period number, the operation fails because j-guar connection (login) can not be provided.
  • language : Specifies the language information: The default value is "ENUS". Example values: "TRT", "ENUS".
  • getFilterList(String batchName, RWSBasicParams basicParams)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <filter type="group-selection" caption="Malzeme (Sınıfı) Türü" id="1" />
   <filter type="group-selection" caption="Malzeme (Sınıfı) Durumu" id="2" />
   <filter type="string" caption="Malzeme (Sınıfı) Kodu" id="3" range="true" />
   <filter type="string" caption="Malzeme (Sınıfı) Açıklaması" id="4" range="true" />
   <filter type="string" caption="Malzeme (Sınıfı) Özel Kodu" id="5" range="true" />
   <filter type="string" caption="Malzeme (Sınıfı) Yetki Kodu" id="8" range="true" />
   <filter type="string" caption="Malzeme (Sınıfı) Grup Kodu" id="10018" range="true" />
   <filter type="string" caption="Üst Malzeme Sınıfı Kodu" id="20" />
   <filter type="group-selection" caption="Konfigüre Edilebilir" id="10" />
   <filter type="string" caption="Birim Seti Kodu" id="22" range="true" />
   <filter type="string" caption="Birim Seti Açıklaması" id="23" range="true" />
   <filter type="group-selection" caption="ızleme Yöntemi" id="24" />
   <filter type="group-selection" caption="Stok Yeri Takibi" id="31" />
   <filter type="numeric" caption="Alış KDV Oranı (%)" id="25" />
   <filter type="numeric" caption="Satış KDV Oranı (%)" id="34" />
   <filter type="numeric" caption="İade KDV Oranı (%)" id="35" />
   <filter type="group-selection" caption="Kullanım Yeri" id="36" />
   <filter type="string" caption="Org. Birimler" id="33" range="true" />
   <filter type="string" caption="OrgBirimGrupKodu" id="9" />
   <filter type="list-selection" caption="Ambar_Bilgisi_Detayları" id="28" />
   <filter type="string" caption="Ambar Kodu" id="29" range="true" />
   <filter type="list-selection" caption="Takım_Bilesenleri" id="30" />

  • getParameters(String batchName, RWSBasicParams basicParams)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <param name="param2" type="Boolean" />
   <param name="param4" type="Integer" />
   <param name="param1" type="String" />
   <param name="param3" type="Double" />

  • executeBatch(BWSParams batchParams, RWSBasicParams basicParams)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<batch id="456" />

  • getBatchStatus(int batchID, RWSBasicParams basicParams)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  <batch id="361" status="1" />

XML Definitions to be Specified

  executeBatch(BWSParams batchParams, RWSBasicParams basicParams): "BWSParams" The "filterData" parameter of the object must be in the following XML structure.

<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
  <filter type="1" id=\"1\" value=\"0|1|\" /> 
  <filter type="2" id=\"4\" value=\"123\" />
  <filter type="6" id=\"7\" value=\"2009-11-24 00:00:00|2009-12-06 23:59:59\" />
  <filter type="9" id=\"9\" value=\"5|9|12|20|\" />
  <filter type="10" id=\"10\" value=\"1\" />
  <filter type="10" id=\"11\" value=\"1|\" /> 
  <filter type="2" id=\"66\" value=\"12\" />

  Here are the values of the filter types as follows:

  1.    STRING_FILTER = 1
  5. DATE_FILTER = 5
  7.  TIME_FILTER = 7
  8.  TIME_RANGE_FILTER = 8     
  10.  LISTSEL_FILTER = 10

"BWSParams" The "parameters" parameter of the object must be in the following XML structure.

<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
  <param name=\"param2\" type=\"Boolean\" value=\"true\"/> 
  <param name=\"param4\" type=\"Integer\" value=\"12\"/>
  <param name=\"param1\" type=\"String\" value=\"KOD123\"/>
  <param name=\"param3\" type=\"Double\" value=\"156\"/>

Error Messages

Applies to all methods. If any parameter is invalid or an unexpected error occurs while processing, the methods return error messages with the following structure.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<error message="Batch Name is null" id="1001" />

Meaning of Error Messages

  1.   id = 1000 - > UOD is the message containing the error.
  2.   id = 1001 - > Occurs when the BatchName parameter is not specified.
  3.  id = 1002 - > Occurs when the RWSBasicParams object is null.
  4.  id = 1003 - > Occurs when Company or Period information is not valid.
  5.  id = 1004 - > Occurs when the filter list is not found.
  6.  id = 1005 - > Occurs when the BWSParams object is null.
  7.  id = 1006 - > Occurs when the BatchRunTimeData object is not found.

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