j-Platform HR Self Service


Client Apps

How to make WS client development for Java, Delphi and C #. It is described as a summary. You can load and examine the Resource Codes.

Java Delphi CSharp WS Istemci.pdf



LPT Sample Projects

Custom Web Service Development How to define web service in adaptation project.

Automatic Web Service Definition

How to create a ws client application in Microsoft visual studio environment.

Web Servis İstemci (.net)

Custom WS Creation (Controller)

Yeni Web Servis Oluşturma

Web Service Written with Controller Code

Uyarlama Projesinde Web Servis

Adding Entity and Entity Movement with DataExchange.save

Web Servis ile Varlık ve Varlık Hareketi Ekleme

ReportingWebService Filter Kullanımı

Note: The source code may require updating depending on the development environment or the version of the product.

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