Seniority and vacation accounting is performed according to Tax Procedure Law and IFRS by using the Post Seniority and Vacation Totals to G/L option located under the General Ledger module > Operations menu. The default options are used to determine the required default values in slips and filter values are set to determine the method of this operation.


Defaults information is recorded under the Defaults tab for G/L slips generated after posting totals to General Ledger.

G/L Slip Date: The default date for the slip that will be generated after posting totals to General Ledger.

G/L Slip Type: The field used to select the type of the G/L slip that will be generated after posting totals to General Ledger. The G/L Slip Types browser opens, and the appropriate slip type is selected




Company selection


Group / Range


Group / Range


Group / Range


Date entry

Posting Type

General / By Division


Seniority / Vacation

IFRS Opening

 Yes / No

Division: Indicates the division of which seniority and vacation totals will be posted. The related divisions are specified by making a Group or Range definition.

Department: Indicates the department of which seniority and vacation totals will be posted. The related departments are specified by making a Group or Range definition.

Unit: Indicates the organizational unit of the division of which seniority and vacation totals will be posted. The related divisions are specified by making a Group or Range definition.

Posting Type: Indicates the method of posting transaction. If the "General" option is selected, a single journal slip is generated for transactions within the specified date range. If the "By Division" option is selected, transactions recorded in the relevant module are posted to General Ledger by division, and a separate journal slip is generated for transaction of each division.

Calculation: Seniority and vacation posting transactions can be performed separately or at the same time. Both options appear as checked by default.

IFRS Opening: Used to generate the first opening record of IFRS. If the filter is selected as "Yes", the relevant date will be the period start date.

After setting the filter values as required, click on the "Apply" button to generate G/L slips automatically.