In order to track by serial / lot number in Set Generation and Parting Operation Slips, you must set Tracking Method to serial number / lot number for the material set or set components that will form the material set.

You can define the set components in Materials > Material Set > Attached Records > Set Components window. By using Materials > Material Set > Material-Attached Records > Lot / Serial Numbers menu option, you can define lot and serial definitions for material set and components.

Set Generation Slips F9 Menu

Use Input From Production Serial/Lot/Location Info menu option to access Serial Input Transactions or Lot Input Transactions list according to the tracking method of specified for material set. Serial or lot selection is made in the quantity specified here and input assignments are completed.

Use Scrap Serial/Lot/Location Info and Usage Serial/Lot/Location Info menu options to access Serial Output Transactions or Lot Output Transactions list for the set components (tracked by serial/lot) which are checked out of the inventory. Then serial or lot numbers are assigned for usage or scrap slips. When scrap quantity of the components is zero, Scrap Serial/Lot/Location Info window cannot be accessed. When you enter a scrap quantity for the set components, total quantity of the component materials of which unit are indivisible are rounded provided that it is a fractional number. For instance; if Set Component Quantity is 5, and Scrap Rate is set as 10%, then total quantity will be 6.

You cannot enter more serial/lot number than the Transaction Quantity in Serial Input/Output Transactions list.


Parting Operation Slips F9 Menu

Use Usage Serial/Lot/Location Info menu option to access Serial Output Transactions or Lot Output Transactions list according to the tracking method of specified for material set. Serial or lot selection is made in the quantity specified here and output assignments are completed.

Use Input From Production Serial/Lot/Location Info menu option to access Serial Input Transactions or Lot Input Transactions list for the set components tracked by serial/lot. Serial or lot numbers are assigned the set components.

Since Scrap Serial/Lot/Location Info option is not available for Parting Operation Slips, it is not active in F9 menu of this slip type.