The following information is recorded in the heading section of AR/AP definition window:
AR/AP Code: The code used to perform and track AR/AP transactions. Alphanumeric characters can be used to assign the code. The Code field is mandatory.
Code information is the most basic information allowing the AR/AP cards to be used rapidly and accurately in operations such as searching, sorting, and selection, grouping and reporting. Therefore, this is the only field marked as mandatory while AR/AP definitions are recorded. Therefore, analyses required for AR/AP cards must be considered while assigning codes. An information structure allowing multi-dimensional analyses can be established if each character or character group of the AR/AP code contains a classification.
AR/AP Title: The name or title of the AR/AP. The string is 50 characters long. The title field is also an important field for AR/AP cards. However, cards can also be recorded without entering the title. However, all transactions such as search, sorting and selection are also performed by the title. AR/AP cards are also sorted by AR/AP title. Furthermore, the title information entered through the is also used to print the Letters or Labels to be sent to the AR/AP. AR/AP title is recorded using the AR/AP language or user language. The language options are listed by clicking Different Languages icon, and the translation of the Title is recorded with the selected language. The AR/AP language is recorded on the Contact Info section of the General Info page.
Search Text: The text allowing filtering on lists through company-specific definitions.
Parent Level AR/AP: Used to group AR/AP records according to the working method of the company. The parent level AR/AP can be selected by listing recorded AR/AP cards, or can be added using the "New" option if not already defined.
Upper Level Association (For Association Type AR/AP Records): Used to group AR/AP records according to the working method of the company. The upper level association can be selected by listing recorded AR/AP cards, or can be added using the "New" option if not already defined.
Organizational Unit: Indicates the company unit or division related to the AR/AP.
Aux. Code: A code field of 10 characters used to group AR/AP cards. The Aux. Code is used to classify AR/AP cards by company specific criteria. The Aux. Code can be used as a filter in reports.
Authorization Code: Used to define detailed authorizations. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. Records are encrypted according to the information provided on the Auth. Code field so that only the users who log in with the specified authorization code can access and process the records.
Trading Group: Indicates the trading group of the AR/AP. Defined groups are listed, and a selection is made.
G/L Connection Group: The account group default used to track AR/AP transactions in G/L. The recorded account groups are listed and the related definition is selected. The account group specified here is transferred as default into all AR/AP transactions. The transaction document can be modified if necessary.
Approval Status by AR/AP Type: The status information by AR/AP definition type is recorded by using the following options

  • Potential
  • Contractor
  • Central (displayed only in Association AR/AP records)

Supplier and customer + supplier AR/AP records contain all three options.
Potential refers to the AR/AP, who can be a customer or supplier.
Contractor refers to the AR/AP, who will join tenders as a contractor.

Approval Status: This heading contains the following options.

  • Unapproved
  • Approved
  • Forbidden

Unapproved applies to AR/AP records with customer and supplier types. It indicates that the AR/AP is not approved as a supplier.
Approved applies to AR/AP records with customer and supplier types. It indicates that the AR/AP is approved as a supplier.
Forbidden refers to the supplier AR/AP records to be avoided. Information recorded here is used in sales, purchasing and tender management sections and in reporting.
Assignable specifies whether the AR/AP is suitable for factoring. The accounts listed in the AR/AP field is the cards where the Assignable option is not checked on the Factoring Definition screen. The "Payment/Collection Transactions" list opened by "Invoice Payment Transactions Transfer" on the Factoring Record screen displays only the transactions of the AR/AP where the Assignable option is checked.