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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Once the slip type is selected, the transaction information is recorded under the following tabs.

  • Totals
  • Other
  • Analysis Details

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Slip Heading Info

The field is located at the upper pane of the slip entry window and is used to record general slip information. General information refers to information that is common to all transactions to be recorded on the slip. For example, slip number, slip date, document number information is related to the slip but does not vary depending on transactions.

Slip No: The G/L slip record number. This field is mandatory. The slips are sorted by their numbers.

Numbers are assigned according to the selection made on the slip number options field during slip type definition. When “Defined by template” is selected, the slip number is generated according to the system template if the slip type is defined, and cannot be changed.

When “Defined by template default” is selected, the slip number is generated according to the user-defined template if the slip type is defined. When “user defined" is selected, the slip number is assigned by the user.

Date: The record date of the transaction. The system date is displayed as default when a new slip is generated. This date can be changed later by the user. The Date field is mandatory. Slips are sorted by their dates.

Approval Date: The approval date of the slip.

Generate Reversing Entry: The “Generate Reversing Entry” checkbox is only available for Payment, Collection and Journal Slips. When this option is checked, the reversing entry slip of the G/L slip is automatically generated on the date specified in the Reversing Entry Date field. It has the same function as the Generate Reversing Entry transaction on the F9 (right-click) menu of the G/L Slips list

Reversing Entry Date: This field becomes active only when the Generate Reverse Entry option is checked. This field is used to enter the date when Reversing Entry Slip will be generated.

Document No: The number of the transaction document. An alphanumeric field of 8 characters long. Documents from different companies may have the same number. Slips are not sorted by document number. Therefore, more than one slip may have the same document number.

Journal No: The journal item number of the slip. This field cannot be entered directly. After the Batch Numbering of Journal Items, the journal number of the transaction is transferred into the field.

Aux. Code: A secondary code field used to classify slips. Contains 10 characters. The Aux. Code is used to classify slips by company specific criteria.

Authorization Code: Used to define detailed authorizations. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. Records are encrypted according to the information provided on the Auth. Code field so that only the users who log in with the specified authorization code can access and process the records.

Organizational Unit: A physical location that is connected to the headquarters of a company or organization, and that independently manages its own commercial transactions. This field is used to associate the G/L transaction with one of the defined divisions of the company. If the organizational unit is specified for the selected slip type during slip definition, it is transferred into the field. Otherwise, the defined units/divisions are listed by clicking the “…” icon, and the related unit/division is selected. The unit/division field is mandatory. As in all other mandatory fields, this field is also marked with an “*”.

Department: Activities or activity groups within an organization, which are independent from each other in terms of organization and accounting. This field is used to associate the G/L transaction with one of the defined departments of the company. The department (if any) specified on the slip type definition is transferred into this field. Otherwise, The defined departments are listed by clicking the “…” icon, and the related department is selected.


Slip Lines

Lines are used to enter information for processed account cards. Slip lines are not limited to what is displayed. In other words, as many transaction lines as required can be entered into a G/L Slip. In addition to G/L transactions, G/L slips are also used to record bank, AR/AP and employee transactions. This is performed by selecting the requested record type on the type field.

Type: The field used to specify the type of the transaction on the G/L line. The type field lists the following options.

  • (GL) G/L Account
  • (RP) AR/AP
  • (BA) Bank Account
  • (EM) Employee

Once the transaction type is selected, the definition lists are accessed through the code field, and the related account is selected.

Account Code: The code of the account processed in the line. The recorded G/L, AR/AP, bank and personnel definitions are listed depending on the selection made on the type field and the related definition is selected.

Name: The name of the account processed in the line. When the Code field is filled in, the description is transferred into this field. The related definition listscan also be accessed from this field, and a selection can be made.

Debit: The field used to enter the debit amount of the transaction.

Credit: The field used to enter the credit amount of the transaction.

Description: The field used to enter the description of the transaction on the line.

VAT Code: The VAT code of the transaction on the line.

Reporting Currency: The reporting currency specified by the company. Cannot be changed.

Reporting Currency Exchange Rate: The field used to specify the reporting currency exchange rate.  “Daily Exchange Rates” are listed by clicking the “…” icon, and the related exchange rate is selected.

Amount (RC): The reporting currency amount calculated by processing the amount entered on the Debit/Credit field and the reporting currency exchange rate. When a value is entered on the credit or debit column, the amount calculated using the rate read from the daily exchange rate table is transferred into the field.

Transaction Currency: Indicates the transaction currency of the transaction on the line. The currency defined for the related G/L slip line is displayed. The transaction currency cannot be changed if it is defined as fixed in the slip type definition.  Can be changed if recorded as default.

Transaction Currency Exchange Rate: The transaction currency exchange rate. “Daily Exchange Rates” are listed by clicking the “…” icon, and the related exchange rate is selected.

Transaction Currency Amount: The transaction currency amount calculated by processing the amount entered on the Debit/Credit field and the transaction currency exchange rate.

Date of Source: The date to be applied to the transaction on the line.

Due Date: The due date to be applied to the transaction on the line.

Trading Group: Indicates the AR/AP trading group when line type is selected as AR/AP. The recorded Trading Groups are listed, and the related definition is selected. 

Aux. Code: The G/L slip line aux. code.  The aux. code field is used to group the slip lines, filter a group of information during report generation and to display the totals of the grouped information. The user can use this field to record any necessary information that is not included in the slip.

The Aux. Code on the line is different from the Aux. Code located at the top of the slip. The Aux. Code located at the top is a code pertaining to the slip bottom, While the Aux. Code field on the line is used to group slip lines. Filtering can be done by Transaction Aux. Code information in all slip reports. However, the application does not sort the slips by Transaction Aux. Code.

Quantity: The field used to specify input and output quantity if the account is tracked in units.

The Unit to be used for tracking is specified on the G/L account. Main and sub-groups can be processed with different units. However, when the Account Summary is generated on main account level, input and output quantities are expressed in the Unit specified on the main G/L account. If unit accounting is used, the control method and whether or not quantity entry control will be performed on slip lines are specified on the account card and in the System Settings section.

Document Number: The document number of the transaction on the line.This field depends on the “Document No” options on the “Codes” field of the "Other" section of the "G/L Transaction Definition" window. Data can be entered if “mandatory” or “can be updated” is selected. If mandatory is selected, the record cannot be processed without entering the document number.

Reference Number: The reference number to be applied to the transaction on the line.  Data can be entered if “mandatory” or “can be updated” is selected on the Reference Number field of the G/L transaction definition. If mandatory is selected, the record cannot be processed without entering the reference number.

G/L Codes: Indicates the code of the related G/L account if the transaction on the line is a bank, AR/AP or personnel transaction.

Organizational Unit: Indicates the related unit if the transaction on the line belongs to another division than the one specified on the slip bottom. The recorded unit definitions are listed and the related definition is selected.

Indices: Indicates whether or not transactions of the account will be processed in correction transactions if the inflation accounting is used. The selection made on the G/L Account is transferred into the transaction as default.

Exclude from Inflation: Indicates that the transaction on the line will be excluded from inflation if the Inflation Accounting feature is used.

Exclude from Calculation: Indicates that the transaction on the line will be excluded from calculation if the Inflation Accounting feature is used.

Budget Transactions Will Be Generated: This option is used to generate budget transactions of G/L slips in which user selected a G/L account that is related to a budget item. If user selects an account to which a budget item is related, this field appears checked automatically. This box must be checked to generate budget lines.

Analytic Code: Refers to the analytic code defined for the account, provided that analytic budget feature is in use.