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G/L transaction Operation information is recorded using the "New" option located in the General Ledger Transaction Definition browser. G/L transaction Operation definition is entered in the following tabs.

  • General
  • Cross Transaction
  • VAT
  • Other

The information entered in these tabs is as below.

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Code: The code of the G/L transactionOperation. A key field of 10 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used for coding. The Code field is mandatory. As in all other mandatory fields, this field is also marked with an “*”.

Description: The name or the description of the G/L transactionOperation. Although the description is important for G/L transactionsOperations, it is not mandatory. However, transaction definitions are also sorted by their descriptions.

Authorization Code: The authorization code of the G/L transactionOperation. Auth. Codes are used to define detailed authorizations. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. The authorization code field specifies the G/L transactions Operations for which the user is authorized. Records are encrypted according to the information provided on the Auth. Code field so that only the users who log in with the specified authorization code can access and process the records.

Transaction Type: The transaction type default of the G/L transactionOperation. Indicates the operations in which the definition will be used. Contains the General/Other, Purchase, Sales, Payment,  Collection, Discounted Payment and Collection and Sales and Purchase Return options. The related type is selected.

Corresponding Account: Indicates the corresponding account default to be applied to the transaction. This field lists the following options:

  • One Corresponding Account
  • Corresponding Accounts List

When One Corresponding Account is selected, a single corresponding account will be used for the transaction on the G/L slip.

When Corresponding Account List is selected, more than one corresponding account can be entered for the transaction.

G/L Operation General Info

The "General" tab of the G/L Operation Definition window is used to record transaction account, description and date characteristics and defaults.

Transaction Account

Account Type and Value/Default: The usage type and default of the transaction account type is specified on these fields.

The type field lists the Fixed and Selectable options. When Fixed is selected, the type specified in the G/L Operation definition is displayed on the G/L slip line and cannot be changed. When Selectable is selected, the transaction type is specified on the G/L slip line.
The type default is selected on the Value/Default field. In J-Guar, bank, AR/AP and employee transactions are also recorded by selecting a transaction type like G/L slips. The Value/Default lists the following options.

  • G/L Account
  • Bank Account
  • AR/AP
  • Employee

The account type for the transaction is selected.

Account Code Value and Default: The usage type and default of the transaction account code is specified on these fields. The type field lists the Fixed and Update Allowed options. When Fixed is selected, the account value/default to be automatically transferred to G/L slips is specified on this field. The chart of account, AR/AP, bank accounts and employee definitions are listed depending on the selection made on the transaction type field and the related definition is selected.

Description: The description of the transaction account. The field lists three options: Update Allowed, Display and Hidden.  When “Display” is selected, the G/L Operation account description is displayed on the G/L slip transaction application window, but cannot be modified. When Update Allowed is selected, the G/L Operation account description is displayed on the G/L slip transaction application window, and the user can modify the field. When Hidden is selected, the G/L Operation account description is not displayed on the G/L slip transaction application window.

Transaction Description

The information and default values to be transferred to slip lines as transaction description are specified using the options and value/default fields of this section.

Options: This field lists the following options:

  • Update Allowed
  • Fixed
  • Mandatory
  • Same With Operation Definition

When Update Allowed is selected, the description entered on the Value/Default field is transferred into the slip, and can be changed if necessary.

When Fixed is selected, the description entered on the Value/Default field is transferred into the slip, and cannot be changed.

When Mandatory is selected, transactions cannot be generated using the transaction entry option on G/L slips without entering a description.

When Same With Operation Definition is selected, the information entered on the description field of the transaction definition window is transferred into the slip.

Value / Default: Indicates the description of the transaction.

Transaction Date

This field is used to specify the date that will apply to the transaction definition.
The Options field under the Transaction Date heading lists the following options.

  • Updated Allowed
  • Hidden
  • Same with G/L Operation

When Updated Allowed is selected, the date is updated during transaction entry to G/L slips.

When Hidden is selected, the date is not displayed during transaction entry to G/L slips.

When Same with G/L Operation is selected, the date of the G/L slip is transferred into the transaction date field.

Transaction Amount

The fields under this heading are used to record amount defaults to be applied to transactions recorded with G/L Operation definitions.

Options: The default reflection of transaction amount on the debit or credit column of the slip. This field lists the following options:

  • Debit
  • Credit
  • Debit - Credit

This field is updated as Credit or Debit if the transaction type is selected as Purchase, Collection, Discounted Collection or Sales, Payment, Discounted Payment respectively. If the transaction type is selected as “General”, the transaction amount is entered on the “Debit” or “Credit" column of the slip when Debit or Credit is selected. When “Debit-Credit” is selected, the transaction amount is transferred into the debit column, but the user can modify the credit column.

Amount: The field used to specify the amount reflection and generation method for the transaction. The amount field lists the following options:

  • Update Allowed
  • Fixed

When Update Allowed is selected, the amount entered on the Value/Default field is transferred into the G/L Operation, and can be changed if necessary.

When Fixed is selected, the value specified in the definition cannot be changed during the transaction.

(+) (-): Value which will be transferred to the G/L Operation can be entered as a positive or negative value according to the selection in here.

If "(+) (-)" is selected, amount which will be transferred to the G/L Operation can be entered both in positive (+) and negative (-) values.

If "(+)" is selected, only positive (+) value can be entered.

If "(-)" is selected, only negative (-) value can be entered.

Value / Default:  Indicates the amount of the transaction. The amount specified here is transferred into the amount field of G/L slips during transaction entry with the conditions specified in the definition.

Amount Distribution

These fields are used to specify how the transaction amount will be distributed to project and analysis dimensions.

Options: The selection made on this field indicates how the amount distribution will be performed.
When None is selected, the amount is not distributed.

When Analysis Dimension is selected, the amount is distributed to analysis dimensions. The related analysis dimension is specified on the Value/Default field.

When Project is selected, the amount is distributed to projects. The related project is specified on the Value/Default field.

When Distribution Template is selected, the amount is distributed by selecting a distribution template. The related template is specified on the Value/Default field.

Code Entry: The field contains three options: Update Allowed, Mandatory and Hidden. When Update Allowed is selected and if an entry is already made on the Value/Default field, this value is reflected on the analysis dimension code/project code/distribution template code field of the G/L slip corresponding account section of the “Generate Transaction" window, and can be changed by the user. When Mandatory is selected, the “Value/Default” field becomes mandatory. In this case, the code selected on the G/L slip transaction slip is transferred and the user cannot modify the field. When Hidden is selected, the apply transaction window will not display any selections even if a different selection than “none” is activated on the options field.

Transaction Mapping

This option is activated when AR/AP is selected as the transaction account type. The options are:

  • Update Allowed
  • Hidden

When Update Allowed is selected, the selection leads to the Payment/Collection Selection screen, and the transaction is matched with the related payment/collection transaction.

When Hidden is selected, the “Generate Transaction” screen does not contain the “Cross Transaction” field, and Payment/Collection connection is not established.