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The Dispatch/Receipt is a slip documenting that the material is received or delivered. The Sales Dispatches option is located in the Transactions menu of the Sales and Distribution section. The dispatch types used in sales transactions are :

Wholesale Dispatch

Used to record wholesale information.

Consign. Return Dispatch

Used to record consignment transactions.

Retail Sales Return Dispatch

Used to record retail sales return transactions.

Wholesale Return Dispatch

Used to record wholesale return transactions.

Consignment Dispatch

Used to record consignments issued.

Retail Sales Dispatch

Used to record retail sales information.

User Defined Slips

Used to record special material transactions performed by the company in addition to standard sales transactions.

The Sales Dispatches are slips used to record the material shipping information. When the sales information is processed, customer information, payment status, and the warehouse status of the goods sold are tracked, and the material level and risk inspection is performed. Dispatches can affect the AR/AP risk when requested. 

The entered dispatches update the material quantity in real time. As more than one order slip can be transferred into the dispatch, it is also possible to transfer specific lines of the slip to the dispatch, and to deliver/receive part of the order. In partial delivery cases, the information of the delivered/received material can be tracked using reports.

The buttons located at the bottom of the page, and the menu opened by pressing the F9 key or clicking the right mouse button menu are used for sales dispatch transactions. The menu options and functions of the Sales Dispatches window are as follows:

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Used to generate a new dispatch.

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Used to modify dispatch information.

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Used to delete the dispatch.

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Used to view the dispatch without making changes.

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Used to create a new record by copying the information of the selected dispatch.



Used to find slips that match the required number or date in the sales dispatches list sorted by slip number or date. Once the process is started by entering the number or date, the cursor will point to the first record matching such number or date.


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Used to create a new record by copying the information of the selected dispatch.

Multiple Delete

Used to delete the selected dispatches in batch.



Used to print the dispatches one by one.


Disp./Recpt. Shreding ConnectionsUsed to access the source dispatch and the newly generated dispatches easily after the disp./recpt. shreding transaction.

Batch Printing

Used to print the dispatches in batch.



Used to send the dispatch to the relevant AR/AP.


Batch Sending

Used to send the selected dispatches to the relevant customers.


Print Barcode

Used to print barcode labels from sales dispatches list.

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Used to access the dispatches according to the filter conditions specified in the sales dispatches list.


Database Extensions

Used for additional information forms to be defined by the user.


G/L Codes

Used to specify the G/L codes to be used to track the transaction in the line when posted to G/L, and the overhead pools of the transaction.


Workflow History

Used to list the tasks that are defined and completed in the Workflow Management Module for sales dispatches.



Used to bill the dispatch.



Used to bill the dispatch.

LogoConnect Transactions

Lists transactions on LogoConnect server if LogoConnect application is used.

View e-DispatchUsed to display the e-dispatches in RA format.

View e-Dispatch ResponseUsed to display e-dispatch responses.


Used to record packaging information if the packaging feature is used.

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Workflow History

Used to list the tasks that are defined and completed in the Workflow Management Module for sales dispatches.

Record Information

Indicates the users who performed the entry and update transactions of the selected record and the time of these transactions.


Number of Records

Displays the number of recorded slips.



Used to refresh the sales dispatches list.


Back to Defaults

Used to display the active window with the standard dimensions defined in the application.


LogoConnect Transactions

Lists transactions on LogoConnect server if LogoConnect application is used.



It is the shredding transaction of the dispatch to be able to generate different dispatches of an invoice that is shipping with different vehicles.


Take Back

Used to record the return information belonging to the slip selected from the sales dispatches list.



Used for record based approval.


Multiple Lock

Used to approve selected records collectively.


Transfer/Undo TransferUsed to update the shipping status of dispatches. The shipping status default is specified by the Dispatch/Receipt Shipping Status option located in the Purchase Parameters in the Administration module.

Change StatusUsed to change status of dispatches when the dispatches are recorded in Proposal status. The status in which the dispatches will be recorded is specified by Purchase Parameters in Administration module of the program.

Send To Company (Same)Used to make data exchange between the companies of the users who work with more than one company in a single administration.

Send To Company (Inverse)Used to make inverse data exchange between the companies of the users who work with more than one company in a single administration.

Send To Company (Delete)Used to delete the slip between the companies of the users who work with more than one company in a single administration.

LogoConnect Transactions

Used to view the transactions on LDX server.


Used for record based approval.


Used to cancel record based approval.


Multiple Lock

Used to approve selected records collectively.

Multiple Unlock

Used to cancel record approvals collectively for the selected records.


Cancel/UndoUsed to cancel and undo the dispatch.

Total Quantity By UnitUsed to list the totals of all the lines entered in the slip by unit.

Create Shortcut

Used to create shortcuts of the records.


Send Shortcut

Used to send the created shortcuts to related users.


Deleted Records

Used to list deleted records and rerecord if necessary in the event of using record revision history feature. The deleted records are listed with user and deleting time info.


Modification History

Used to list the updated records with user, record description and modification time info in the event of using record revision history feature.

Cost Distribution SlipsLocated in the F9 menu of the slips used in cost distribution. Used to access the cost distribution slip which the slip is used.