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Information about employees involved in production operations is recorded on the window accessed by clicking on "New" button located at the bottom of the employees list. The information recorded on the Employee window and relative functions are as follows:

Code: The record code of the employee. Code information is the most basic information allowing the employee records to be used rapidly and accurately in operations such as searching, sorting, and selection, grouping and reporting. Therefore, the code field is mandatory.

In the LOGO application, the analyses planned for the employees must be carefully considered when specifying the codes due to the usage characteristics of the code field. An information infrastructure allowing multi-dimensional analyses can be established if each character or character group of the code contains classification information.

Description: The name or the description of the employee. Although the employee description field is an important field, it is not mandatory.
Since search and sorting operations can be made by description in the LOGO application, the employee records are also sorted by description.

Aux. Code: The aux. code of the employee. The string is 10 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used for coding. The code allows the user to classify the employees by company specific criteria.

Authorization Code: The authorization code of the employee. Up to 10 alphanumeric characters can be used for coding. Each user may be authorized to access different records depending on job definitions. Used to define detailed authorizations.

Status: Indicates the usage status of the employee record. The status field has two options: Active and Passive. Definitions selected as passive on this field are not displayed on the employee list accessed through operation definitions. Therefore, employees with passive status cannot be used in operations.

Plant: This field is used to specify the company plant in which the employee is working. The plant definitions are listed and the appropriate definition is selected.

Plant Department: This field is used to specify the department of the employee within the plant.

Shift Group: The employee group of the employee is selected on this field. In this way, shift information of the employee group is also applied to the selected employee.


The work hours of the employees are defined by assigning shifts using Shifts option. "New" button located at the bottom of the Shift Assignments window is used to generate records. The following information is recorded on the Shift Assignments window: 

Start Date: Indicates the valid start date of the selected shift. The start date is mandatory; if this date is not entered, the user is warned with "Start date not specified" message when "Save" button is clicked. The start dates of shift assignments should not be the same; otherwise the user is warned with "Start date already selected" message when "Save" button is clicked. 

Shift Code: The shift code identifying the work hours applied to the employee. Defined shift definitions are listed, and the appropriate definition is selected. 

Shift Description: The description is transferred into this field when the shift code is entered. The shifts list can be accessed from this field by clicking on "..." icon, and a selection can be made from among shifts with active status.


The changes in employee work days and hours are recorded as exceptions. The Exceptions option is located in the right mouse button menu of the Employee Definitions window. The following information is recorded on the Exception Assignments window: 

Start Date: The field used to specify the start date of the exception. 

Start Time: Indicates the start time of the exception. 

End Date: The field used to specify the end date of the exception. 

End Time: Indicates the end time of the exception. 

Status: This field contains "Do Not Work" and "Work" options. If the employee will not work in the specified date range, "Do Not Work" option is selected. 

Cost Factor: If cost accounting is used, the cost factor is entered on this field. 

Description: The field used to record the exception description.

Group Connections

The groups to which the employees are related to be listed using Group Connections option located in the right mouse button menu of the employee definitions list. The employee group code and employee group description fields are displayed for employee groups.

Standard Employee Costs

This option is used to record standard employee costs. When Standard Employee Costs option located in the right mouse button menu of the employee definitions list is selected, the Standard Employee Costs window opens, listing the defined standard cost records of the employee.

Standard employee costs are recorded by selecting the Plant and Period Code. The following information is recorded on the window:


Plant: The plant for which the standard cost amount will be applied. The defined plants are listed and the appropriate definition is selected. 

Period Code / Period Description: Indicates the period to which the Standard Cost Amount belongs, and the description of the period. Cost periods are listed, and the appropriate period is selected. 

Unit Cost: Indicates the valid unit cost amount for the selected plant and period. 

Unit Cost (RC): Indicates the valid unit cost reporting currency amount for the selected plant and period. 

Unit Cost (TC): Indicates the valid unit cost transaction currency amount for the selected plant and period. 

Transaction Currency Type: The valid transaction currency type of the standard unit cost. The foreign currency types are listed and the appropriate option is selected. 

Transaction Currency Exch. Rate: The average transaction currency exchange rate defined for the relevant period and transaction currency. 

Reporting Currency Exchange Rate: The field where the reporting currency exchange rate is selected or entered directly.

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