J-Guar allows a second chart of accounts to be defined in addition to the Main Chart of Accounts. Working with multiple charts of accounts is useful for working with updated report data, especially for multinational companies.

If more than one chart of accounts is used, the connection between the main and second charts of accounts is established using the Transfer Between Account Plans option. The Transfers Between Account Plans option is located under the Operations menu of the General Ledger section.

The Transfers Between Account Plans option is used to duplicate the G/L slips generated in a specified date range for the main chart account into the second chart of accounts. In order to perform these transactions, first the connection between the accounts of the main and second charts of accounts should be specified.

Conditions that apply to transfers between charts of accounts and information to be displayed as default on resulting G/L slips are specified on the Transfers Between Account Plans window, using the following tabs.

  • Defaults
  • Filters


Indicates information to be transferred as default into slips resulting from the transfer. The information specified here is automatically reflected on the slips after the transfer. This data can be modified on the slip if necessary.


Slip Date: The date of the G/L Slip resulting from the transfer.

G/L Slip Type: Indicates the type of the G/L Slip resulting from the transfer. The recorded G/L slip types are listed and the related type is selected.

Organizational Unit: Indicates the organizational unit of the slip. The recorded unit definitions are listed and the related definition is selected.

Department: Indicates the department of the slip. Recorded department definitions are listed and the related definition is selected.

Description: The description of the slip bottom.

Aux. Code: This code is used to group slips by company-specific criteria and to provide ease of reporting.


Conditions for transfers between accounts are specified using the Filters option.

Date: Date range of transactions for which the transfer will be performed.

Main Account Code: The G/L account code of the main chart account to be used in transfers between accounts. Accounts for which the transactions will be transferred are specified by making a Group or Range definition.  The main chart of accounts is accessed by clicking the “...” icon, and the related account is selected.

Main Account Description: The G/L account description of the main chart account to be used in transfers between accounts. Accounts for which the transactions will be transferred are specified by making a Group or Range definition. “...” The main chart of accounts is accessed by clicking the “...” icon, and the related account is selected.

Org. Unit: The org. unit of transactions for which the transfer will be performed.

Once the information to be displayed as default on the resulting G/L slip and transfer conditions are specified, the transfer is started by clicking the Apply button.

At the end of the transfer, transactions on the G/L slips generated for the main chart account in the given date range specified on the date filter line are transferred to the second and third chart accounts with main account connections using a single slip.

Main Chart of Account Connections

Account connections are recorded using the Main Account Connections option located under the Related Records menu of the Second and Third Chart of Accounts browsers.

The accounts on the main chart of account to which an account of the second and third chart of accounts will be connected are specified on the lines of the Main Chart of Accounts Connections window.

The main chart of accounts is accessed through the Main Chart of Accounts Code and Description fields, and the related account is selected. More than accounts can be selected. Each account is specified on a separate line.

The points to be considered for connections between the main and second/third charts of accounts are:

  • An account on the second or third chart of accounts cannot be connected to the main chart of accounts if it has a sub-account.
  • If the account selected on the main chart of accounts has a sub-account, the connection is made to the sub-accounts.
  • A connected account of the main chart of accounts cannot be used for another account within the second chart of accounts.
  • If a new sub-account is opened for an account connected to the second or third chart of accounts, the new account will also be connected.
  • If a new sub-account is opened for an account connected to the main chart of accounts, the main account connections are removed.
  • Main chart of accounts connections for an account on the second or third chart of accounts can be changed even if the account is already used in transactions.