Set generation and parting operation slips are recorded under the general info, set info and component info headings:

Set Slip General Info

General information refers to information that is common to all material transactions to be recorded on the slip. For example, slip number, slip date, document number information is related to the slip but does not vary depending on set transactions.

This information is recorded on the upper fields of the slip.

Slip Number: The tracking number of the slip. A mandatory field of 30 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used to enter the number. The slips are sorted by their numbers.

Date: The record date of the transaction. The Slip Date field is mandatory. Slips are sorted by date.

Hour: Indicates the hour that the slip is recorded.

Auxiliary Code: A secondary code field used to classify slips. Contains 10 characters. The Aux. Code allows the user to group the slips according to certain company-specific criteria and to generate reports. The user can use this field to record any necessary information that is not included in the slip.

Authorization Code: Used to define detailed authorizations. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. A planning process must be performed for detailed authorization definitions. First, slips to be accessed or processed by each user or user group should be specified. Then, separate authorization codes are assigned to slip types accessible by each authorization group.

Organizational Unit: Indicates the organizational unit of the transaction. This field is used to associate the material transactions with one of the defined organizational units of the company. Defined organizational units are listed and the related unit is selected. This field is mandatory.

Warehouse: The locations that are used to store the company’s goods or used for other purposes (such as scrap or production) are called Warehouses. Indicates the warehouse of the transaction. The recorded unit definitions are listed and the related definition is selected. The warehouse field is mandatory. The target warehouse for the set generation slip and the source warehouse for the parting operation slip.

Set Info

Type: The type of the material set. The options are:

  • Assorted
  • Simple

The relevant type is selected.

Code: The code of the assorted, variable or simple material set depending on the selection made on the type field. Recorded materials are listed by clicking the “…” icon, and a selection is made. The Code field is mandatory.

Description: The name or the description of the material set. The description of the material specified on the code field is automatically transferred into this field. Recorded materials are also listed on the definition field, allowing selections or new definitions.

Variant Code: Indicates the variant code if the set material is a configurable set. Set generation or dismantling is performed for a single variant of the configurable materials.

Variant Description: Indicates the variant description if the set material is a configurable set. Is transferred directly into the field when the variant code is selected.

Quantity: The quantity of the set to be generated. This field is mandatory.

Scrap Rate (%):Applies only to parting operation slips. The rate specified on the material set is displayed as default, and can be changed if necessary.

Unit: The main unit is directly transferred into the field when the related material set is selected. The main unit is displayed as default on the slip. A separate barcode can be defined for each Unit in set material definitions. In this case, the unit selection is made by the application according to the number received by the barcode reader.

Set Slip Component Info

This field displays set component information and does not allow editing. Component information is generated using the Calculate Components option of the right click menu on the slip.

Material Code: The set component code.

Material Description: The definition or description of the set component.

Variant Code: The variant code for the set component. Applies to assorted and variable set materials only.

Variant Description: The definition or description of the set component variant. Applies to assorted and variable set materials only.

Quantity: Indicates the ‘usage quantity’ or ‘input from production’ quantity for Set Generation or parting operation slips respectively. The value is entered to the field by calculating the quantity entered on the set section and the quantity specified for the components.

Scrap Rate (%): The % of the actual scrap quantity. Automatically displayed in the field through calculation. The scrap rate entered on the Assorted Variants or Set Component lines is displayed depending on the set type on Set Generation Slips. For parting operation slips, the scrap rate specified on the set information field is entered. When the information on the Set Info field changes, this information and other related date on the line (scrap quantity and total quantity) will also change automatically.

Scrap Quantity: The actual scrap quantity. Automatically displayed in the field through calculation.

Total Quantity: The ‘quantity and scrap quantity’ total on Set Generation Slips. The difference between quantity and scrap quantity on parting operation slips.

Unit: The main unit of the set component.

Warehouse: A selection is made from among the warehouses connected to the organizational unit selected on slip heading information. The target warehouse for the set generation slip and the source warehouse for the parting operation slip. This field is not mandatory; the warehouse entered for the set on the slip heading applies if left blank.