The reflection template is defined by specifying the G/L accounts to be used in transfer, offset accounts, and the closing transaction in which the template will be used. The following information is recorded in the definition window:

Template Code: The code of the reflection template. The Code field is mandatory.

Template Description: The name or the description of the template.

Expense Account Code: The expense account number of the reflection. Account cards are listed by clicking the “…” icon, and the related definition is selected.

Expense Account Name: The description of the expense account. When the expense account number is entered, the description is automatically transferred into this field. Account cards can also be listed and selected on this field. 

Aux. Code: The aux. code of the reflection template. Used to classify templates by company specific criteria. The Aux. Code can be used as a filter in reports.

Authorization Code: The auth. code of the reflection template. Only the users with the Auth. Code specified here can access the template.

Reflection 1 (Reflect Expenses): This option is checked if the defined template will be used to reflect expense accounts.

Reflection 2 (Close Expense Reflection Accounts): This option is checked if the defined template will be used to close expense reflection accounts. The same template can be used to both ends. In that case, both options should be checked.

Template Lines

Expense accounts, expense reflection accounts and income reflection accounts to be used in Reflection operation are recorded on template lines.

Expense Start / Expense End Account Code / Name: The code and description of the G/L account for which the account balance will be transferred. Account cards are listed on both fields, and the related account is selected. The Reflection can be performed for a single account or for a specific range of accounts. Accounts to be transferred are specified by entering a start and end code range.

Rate: The transfer rate of the expense account.

Expense Reflection Account Code: The code of the G/L account to which the expense account balances will be transferred. 

Expense Reflection Account Name: The name of the G/L account to which the expense account balances will be transferred.

Rate: Indicates the reflection rate of the expense account.

Income Reflection Account Code: The income account code to be used in reflection.

Income Reflection Account Name: The income account name to be used in reflection.

Rate: Only one Expense and Expense Reflection account can be entered on one line. However, Income accounts can be more than one. The total rate of income accounts must be 100%. If there are multiple Income Reflection accounts, the “...” icon on the Rate field is clicked. The Expense Account Codes to be transferred into the income account and reflection Rates are recorded on the Reflection Line Detail window.

When the template to be used in transfers is recorded by clicking the Save button, it is listed on the Reflection Templates list with code and description information.