Analysis dimensions can also be generated in G/L Transactions of reflection operations. Distribution rates of the distribution lines are defined in analysis details.

Analysis detail lines of a G/L Transaction generated after reflection operation are generated according to the analysis detail information of the relevant template. These definitions are made using the right click menu (F9) options of the reflection template form.

  • Expense Account Analysis Dimension Detail
  • Expense Accounts Analysis Dimension Details
  • Expense Reflection Account Analysis Dimension Detail
  • Income Reflection Account Analysis Dimension Detail

The "Expense Account Analysis Dimension Detail" option is independently from the other lines in template, and therefore displayed under a different group. If no line is selected in the Reflection Template form, the "Expense Accounts Analysis Dimension Details", "Expense Reflection Account Analysis Dimension Detail" and "Income Reflection Account Analysis Dimension Detail" options will be inactive. However, the "Expense Account Analysis Dimension Detail" option will be active in any case.

Reflection line Analysis Dimension Detail form fields are as below:

Analysis Dimension Code

This code refers to the analysis code which will be valid for the G/L slip generated after reflection operation. Analysis Dimensions browser opens, and the relevant definition is selected, or a new definition is made. Analysis Dimensions are defined using the System Settings module > Definitions menu > Other > Analysis Dimensions option. See. Analysis Dimensions in System Settings.docx

Analysis Dimension Description

It refers to the description of analysis dimension. The description of the record selected in the Code field is transferred automatically in this field. Analysis dimensions can also be selected in this field.

Project Code/Description

It code refers to the project to which the G/L slip generated after reflection operation is related. The existing project cards are listed, and the relevant definition is selected.

Project Activity Code

The project activity which is related to the transactions applied reflection template is specified in this field. The existing project activities are listed, and the relevant definition is selected.

Distribution Rate

This rate is specified for distribution of transactions recorded by G/L slip to the analysis dimension and/or projects.