After selecting the Project Code in Progress Payment information, click "Calculate Progress Payment" in F9 – right click menu to list total amount information of the work definition and work group related to the project in Progress Payment Summary window.
If progress payments are calculated over the Projects browser with Calculate Progress Payment option, progress payment summary is shown automatically in Progress Payment Summary tab. This tab shows a summary list of completed works without work definition details.
If you select a Contract number without specifying a Project in Progress Payment window and save the progress payment record, no information is shown in Progress Payment Summary window.
Note that you must have designated actual information of the relevant work definition in Realization Info window to calculate values that will be shown in Progress Payment Summary window with Calculate Progress Payment option.

The following information is shown in Progress Payment Summary.

Work Group No

The number of the work group.


The description of the work group.

Current Progress Payment Production Amount

This amount is the difference between Total Production Amount and Previous Progress Payment Total Amount. When "In Calculation of Progress Payment Production Totals" parameter is set to "User Quantity Info", difference is calculated by subtracting previous progress payment production amount from total production amount. It gives current progress payment production total of each activity.

Previous Progress Payment Production Amount

If Project has a progress payment that has been calculated previously, this field shows the amount of the previous progress payment production. When "In Calculation of Progress Payment Production Totals" parameter is set to "User Quantity Info", previous progress payment amount is calculated by multiplying Previous Progress Payments Production Amount in the corresponding line of the activity under Construction Diary by the Unit Price that is specified in the related contract line.
When calculating Previous Progress Payment Production Amount, progress payments of earlier dates and progress payments that are linked to the same contract are taken into account. When listing amount on parent activity basis, the related sub-activities' contract-independent total production amounts are taken into account. For instance, let us assume that A1.1 and A1.2 activities that are related to parent activity A1 are linked to the same contract, and a production amount incurred for the contract transactions for which both Material1 and Material2 materials are selected. In this case, when calculating previous progress payment production amount of the parent activity A1, the production amounts of both Material1 and Material2 of the activities A1.1 and A1.2 are included in the total.

Total Production Total

When "In Calculation of Progress Payment Production Totals" parameter is set to "User Actual Info", the multiplication of contract price and total production percentage gives the production total of the work definition. When "In Calculation of Progress Payment Production Totals" parameter is set to "User Quantity Info", total production amount is calculated by multiplying Total Production Quantity in the corresponding line of the activity under Construction Diary by the Unit Price that is specified in the related contract line.