Price differences invoices can also be generated for the assets which are not related to any material record by using the Asset Sales Invoice. 
In order to do so, the "Apply Price Difference" option located on the right click menu of Asset Sales Invoices in the Sales Invoices browser is used. In this case, the organizational unit, department, AR/AP and trading group information and invoice lines are transferred to the Price Difference Invoice (Issued), and thereby a connection between the invoices is established. 
When it is required to establish a connection with the Asset Sales Invoice over the Price Difference Invoice, one of the real estate, equipment, transport vehicle or other asset types is selected in the line, and the relevant asset sales invoices are listed in Invoice Connection field. If it is required to continue by the "Transfer Invoice" option in Operations menu when the line type is specified as one of the asset types, the existing asset sales invoices are listed, and the relevant invoice is selected. 
Price differences affect the asset input cost and depreciation calculations as well. Price differences issued for asset sales invoices are reflected to the Total Price Difference field located on the Asset definition card > Fixed Asset tab. 
While calculating the depreciation amount for the Asset, the price difference that is incurred is considered, and the start cost is updated. If there are other lines calculated and posted to the G/L previously, the depreciation difference is transferred to the next period.