The prices of some billed materials can increase or decrease due to various reasons such as exchange rate differences, expenses and commission expenses. Such differences that occur after the invoice is issued are called Price Difference and are separately billed to AR/APs. The price differences originating from sales transactions may increase or decrease the sales income. The price difference invoices originating from sales transactions are processed in the Sales Management module 
The Price Diff. Invoices (Issued) are recorded using two methods. 
1. The Price Diff. Invoice (Issued) is selected as the Invoice Type on the Sales Invoices list. The information about the price differences are recorded on the Invoice Link column after selecting the material to which the price different will be applied. The orders and dispatches cannot be transferred into the lines of the Price Diff. Invoices (Issued). 
2. Issued price difference invoices are recorded using the Apply Price Difference option located in the right click menu of the sales invoices list. In this case, the relevant information is transferred into all fields of the Price Difference Invoice. The Invoice Link field on the line is used to select and link the related invoice to which the price difference will be applied.