Material slip types are used to classify transactions. The Material Management Slip Types are:

Scrap Slip

Used to record the scraps occurred during production or due to any other reason. Slips for scraps resulting from production are automatically generated if the Production Management section is used.

Usage Slip

Used to record the usages occurred during production or due to any other reason. Slips for usages resulting from production are automatically generated if the Production Management section is used.

Input from Production Slip

Used to record the input to warehouse transactions of the produced materials. Slips for usages resulting from production are automatically generated if the Production Management section is used.

Period Opening Slip

Used to record the inventory info on the first use of the application. It is also used to carry over the inventory amount and quantity at the fiscal year end. This information can be entered by the user or automatically created during the year-end carry over transactions.

Warehouse Transfer Slip

Used to record the Material Warehouse Transactions between warehouses.

Cycle Count (Surplus) Slip

Used to record the cycle count excess material.

Cycle Count (Deficit) Slip

Used to record the cycle count deficit.

Project Input Slip

Used to record the project output information if the material is used in projects.

User Defined Material Entry, Output and Transfer Slips

The slip type used to record the company specific material transactions other than standard material transactions. 5 input and 5 output slips can be defined by the user. Slip definitions are recorded in the System Settings section.