During set generation and parting operation slip generation, the Scrap, Usage and Input from Production material slips are automatically generated by the application. Material slip connections are accessed using the Material Slips option located under the Related Records menu of the Set Slips list. Set Slip and Material Slip connections can also be tracked through material slips. The connection type can be tracked as Set Slip on the Connections tab of material slips. Material slips and transactions can also be tracked using the Material Transactions option located under the Info menu on the Material Variants screen.

Material Slips to Be Generated for Set Generation Slips

Scrap Slip

Scrap slip lines to be generated for each set component are different. This is because each child material has different scraps. The scrap quantity is the quantity entered on the “scrap quantity” column located in the “components” section of the ‘Set Generation’ slip. This data is used on the quantity tab of the scrap slip. A single slip is generated for scrap quantities of all components.

Usage Slip

The usage quantity is column defined as “quantity” in the “components” section of the ‘Set Generation’ slip. This data is used on the quantity tab of the usage slip. A single slip is generated for usage quantities of all components.

Input from Production Slip

Set Generation Slips generate a set as the product. The input from production slip is generated according to the quantity of this set. The input from production quantity is the quantity value on the “quantity” column in the “Set” section of the ‘Set Generation’ slip. This data is used on the quantity tab of the input from production slip.

Material Slips to Be Generated for Parting Operation slips

Usage Slip

Parting operation slips distribute existing sets to components. The usage slip is generated according to the quantity of this dismantled set. The usage quantity is the quantity value on the “quantity” column in the “Set” section of the parting operation slip. This data is used on the quantity tab of the usage slip. A single usage slip is generated on parting operation slips.

Input from Production Slip

The produced quantity on parting operation slips is consisted of components. Quantities are accessed on the column defined as “quantity” in the “components” section of the ‘Dismantling’ slip. This data is used on the quantity tab of the usage slip. A single slip is generated for production quantities of all components.