The relevant demand transaction to which the output operation will be related is determined using the Link to Demand option located in the F9/right click menu of all output slips. These slips are:

  • Warehouse Transfer (for output transaction)
  • Usage Slip
  • Scrap Slip

Demand Connections window opens upon clicking the Link to Demand option. This window displays the following columns:

Slip Type

Slip type is selected as Demand or Purchase Demand. Sales Demand slip type is available only when Wholesale Sales Dispatch/Invoice or Retail Sales Dispatch/Invoice is selected.

Slip No

This field opens the demand proposals list according to the selected slip type, and the relevant demand transaction to which the proposal is related is selected. Demand transactions in Delivering or Delivered status are listed only.

Slip Date

It refers to the slip date of the selected proposal. It is not editable.

Undelivered Quantity

It refers to the undelivered quantity of the proposal material. Undelivered quantity is found by subtracting the delivery quantity of the relevant material type (not the main material) from the quantity of the previously related output transactions.


It refers to the demand transaction unit of the proposal. It cannot be changed.

Undelivered Quantity (Main Unit)

The undelivered quantity is converted into the main unit by considering the unit conversions of the relevant demand transaction.

Related Quantity

Related quantity can be changed provided that it does not exceed the Related Quantity (Main Unit) info.


It shows whether any reservation is made for the relevant proposal in the warehouse. The reservation quantity in the delivery warehouse of the relevant material is deducted by the given number for reserved proposals. Accordingly, pending quantity of the demand will decrease.

Transaction Quantity

It refers to the output transaction quantity.

Transaction Quantity (Main Unit)

The output transaction quantity is converted into the quantity of main unit type by considering the output transaction unit conversion info.

Related Quantity

The total of related quantity (main unit) specified in the list is converted into the main unit by considering the unit conversion info of the output transaction.

Related Quantity (Main Unit)

It refers to the total quantity of the Related Quantity (Main Unit) in the list.