Services, asset, deposit, promotion, discount and expense transaction line types cannot be used in Price Difference Invoices. Once the material is selected in the Price Difference Invoice lines provided for price difference transactions, the transactions of the related material are listed by clicking the ... icon in the Related Invoice Number field. 
The transactions list contains only sales transactions for sales price difference invoices. The transactions at the Period Closing Date of materials for which the Period Closing operation is performed, and the invoices with dates before the Approval Date cannot be selected on the list. In Price Diff. Invoices (issued) each Price Difference line can be matched to a single sales transaction. If price differences will be applied to more than one sales transaction in the same Material, the lines with the same Material Code are entered and related in the Price Difference Invoice. The Material Transactions list displays the invoices with the Date, Slip Number, Invoice Type, Net Line Amount, Price Difference Amount, Division, Department and Warehouse information. The Find option on the list is used to search for the requested invoice, and the View option is used to display and view the selected invoice. The following information is transferred into the fields when the lines are related to sales transactions.