New templates are defined using the “New” option on the Distribution Templates list. The materials connected to the material class are selected on the code and description fields, and their respective distribution factors are specified on the Distribution Factor field.

The detail lines of the material classes in slips and invoices are generated by processing the Distribution Factor specified here. The following information is recorded on the definition window:

Code: The definition code of the distribution template. Alphanumeric characters can be used to assign the code. Distribution templates are sorted by their codes. Code information is the most basic information allowing the distribution templates to be used rapidly and accurately in operations such as searching, sorting, selection, grouping and reporting. Therefore, this is the only field marked as mandatory while definitions are recorded. Therefore, analyses required for distribution templates must be considered while assigning codes. An information structure allowing multi-dimensional analyses can be established if each character or character group of the template code contains a classification.

Description: The name or description of the distribution template. The description field is also an important field for distribution templates. However, definitions can also be recorded without entering the description. However, all transactions such as search, sorting and selection are also performed by the description. Distribution templates are also sorted by their descriptions.

Unit: The unit information to be applied for the template. Indicates the unit with which the distribution will be performed if the material class is processed with multiple units.

Auxiliary Code: A secondary coding field used to group distribution templates. The string is 10 characters long. Alphanumeric characters can be used for coding. The code allows the user to classify the distribution templates by company-specific criteria.

Authorization Code: Used to define detailed authorizations. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. This field is 10 characters long, and alphanumeric characters can be used to define the code.

Start and End Date: Indicates the date range in which the distribution template will be valid.

Material Code: The code of the material included in the material class for which the distribution will be applied. Defined material cards are listed, and a selection is made.

Material Description: The name or the description of the material included in the material class for which the distribution will be applied. Material cards can also be accessed and selected on this field.

Distribution Factor: The distribution factor of the material that will be used in transactions. The detail lines of the material classes in slips and invoices are generated by processing the Distribution Factor specified here.