The material class tree is used to record material classes and materials that will be listed under these classes.

The existing material classes and materials are shown hierarchically in access tree. If there is no material class or material, access tree is shown as blank. All materials are defined by default on the right side of the window.

When the relevant material class is selected, the related child material classes and materials are listed.

You can save material class/materials by using New option in Access Tree section of Material Class Tree window. Child material classes are created by using New option when the relevant parent class is selected. Access Tree menu options are as below.

You can transfer materials to material classes by using the "Drag & Drop" feature individually or collectively. In order to do so, all Materials are listed, and the relevant material(s) are moved to the material class after being selected by the mouse. During this transfer, Connection Properties window opens automatically. The options, which are shown in Connection Properties window, are the same options as in the Materials > Attached Records > Class Retails window. The options that you will select in this window are reflected to the Class Relations.