Company Credit Card and Company Credit Card Return slips are generated after performing purchase and purchase return transactions of which payment type is Credit Card. When clicked on the New button located in System Settings > Types > Finance > AR/AP Slip Types browser, type is selected as Company Credit Card or Company Credit Card Return and then saved.
See. System Settings module, AR/AP Slip Types
While saving AR/AP slips of Company Credit Card and Company Credit Card Return type, the line corresponding account type must be "Fixed-Bank Account". The relevant bank account of (LOA) General Loan or
(CCR) Credit Card type is selected.
The AR/AP Company Credit Card Slip or Company Credit Card Return Slip can be generated automatically while saving the purchase or purchase return transactions. In order to do so, an AR/AP Slip Type of which "Slip Type To Be Used in Company Credit Card Transactions" and the "Slip Type Used in Company Credit Card Return Transactions" parameters are specified as Company Credit Card must be selected in Purchase Parameters.
In order to generate company credit card/company credit card return slips manually, the Company Credit Card / Company Credit Card Return slip types are selected in slip type field in AR/AP slips browser, and a new slip is opened to record payment info by the "New" option.