Date, amount and other information about the back payments of bank credits are recorded using the New option in the Back Payment Plans browser. The following information is recorded in the Back Payment Plan window:


The code of the relevant back payment plan. Code is a mandatory and alphanumeric field. Definitions are kept in order by their codes. Code is the most basic information which ensures to perform searching, sorting, selecting, group, reporting etc easily and properly. Therefore it is the only field that is mandatory while saving definitions.


The name or description of the back payment record. Description is not a mandatory field, and definitions can be saved without giving a description. Transactions such as searching, sorting, selecting, group, reporting can be performed by description info. Therefore definitions are listed by the first 10 characters of their descriptions.

Auxiliary Code

A secondary alphanumeric field used to group back payment plans. The length of this field is 10 characters long. The Aux. Code is used to classify risk definitions by company specific criteria. The Aux. Code can be used as a filter in reports. For effective reporting, company requirements must be considered while assigning auxiliary codes. Auxiliary codes are defined in the System Settings module. Auxiliary codes can also be defined over the Aux. Code field located on the definition record. Information entered in the Auxiliary Code field does not necessarily have to be an auxiliary code defined in the system.

Authorization Code

Used to define detailed authorizations. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. Authorization codes are defined in the System Settings module. Records are encrypted according to the information provided on the Auth. Code field so that only the users who log in with the specified authorization code can access and process the records.

Back Payment Days

The back payment days are checked on the right side of the Back Payment Plan window. All days are checked by default. The selected days are considered while calculating the back payment date. While calculating the back payment date, days which should not be considered must be unchecked. In this case, while calculating the back payment date which will be specified in the Day, Month and Year columns in the lower section, only the selected days are considered. If the back payment date falls on a day which is not selected in the list, the transaction is delayed to the next day. If all days are checked, a delay interest is charged on the payments made on Monday provided that payment date falls on weekend.

Start - End Date

Start Date and End Date fields show the validity date of the back payment plan. System date appears on these fields by default and it can be changed when required.

Formula (Capital)

Used in determining the amount of the back payment for the capital. Parameters and functions can be used in formula field. Numeric functions and parameters can be used in mathematical operations and formulized. Parameters and functions can be listed clicking on the browse button in Formula field. Parameters are formulized by using mathematical operations and functions. Thereby it is determined how the payment in line will be made and the amount is calculated.


The condition which will be required for the validity of the back payment plan lines. While specifying conditions, logical functions and parameters are used.


Date of the payment or collection in back payment plan line is entered in day, month and year columns.

Rounding Base

The rounding base in case that the amount calculated for the back payment in line is a decimal value.

Service Commission

Service commission rate applied by the bank worked with.

Point Commission

Point commission rate applied by the bank worked with.

Due Date Difference Commission

Due date difference commission rate applied on back payments by the bank worked with.

Amount Calculation Type

Used to determine a method for amount calculations. The options are:

  • Gross
  • Due Date Diff. Commission Included
  • Bank Commission Rate Included
  • Only Point Commission Included
  • Only Service Commission Included

According to user selection, info is entered in service/point/due date difference fields.