The "Assign G/L Connection Group" transaction is performed over the connection groups of Material of Asset Type and Material types. Assignment is a two-phase transaction. First, the relevant filter values are set:




Commercial Good / Deposit Item / Raw Material / Semi Finished Good / Finished Good / Consumer Good


Group / Range


Group / Range

Material Class Code

Group / Range

Material Class Description

Group / Range

Auxiliary Code

Group / Range

Authorization Code

Group / Range

Material Class Auxiliary Code

Group / Range

Material Class Auth. Code

Group / Range

Group Code

Group / Range

Parent Class Code

Group / Range

Parent Class Description

Group / Range

Parent Class Aux. Code

Group / Range

Parent Class Auth. Code

Group / Range

Parent Class Group Code

Group / Range


All / Applied / Not Applied

Usage Point

Material Management / Purchasing Management / Sales Management


Group / Range


Group / Range

Current Connection Group

Group Dependent / Group Independent

Secondly, the relevant materials complying with the filter values are listed, and the required material records are selected. The relevant G/L connection group is assigned to the selected materials. Materials which are assigned G/L connection groups previously and materials of Assorted and Material Set types are not listed.