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Record type is selected as "Service Purchased Invoice" is purchase invoices list. Purchase transaction information is recorded by using "Invoice" and "Details" tabs.
Service code and description are specified in Code and Description fields. From both fields the defined service cards are listed and related one is selected or a new service is defined.
Quantity and Unit fields are used to enter the service's quantity and its unit and Unit Price field is used to enter the service's unit price. The Payment Method field is used to record the Payment Plan Code applied to the transaction in the line.
If a discount is applied as standard for service purchased, the discount rate is specified on "%" field. If a discount rate is specified on the service, this value is transferred as default to "%" field.
The upper part of the invoice line is used to record the Service information and the Discount, Surcharge and Promotion information of the transaction in the line, while the discount, surcharge and promotion of the slip bottom are entered into the lower part.
Subcontracting Lines in Purchase Invoices
A subcontractor invoice is a service invoice. The subcontractor invoice information is recorded by selecting Subcontracting as the line type in service invoices. The reports list the subcontractor invoice information along with VAT Deduction and VAT To Be Declared information. VAT Deduction and VAT to be Declared information is calculated and reported according to the Quantity entered in the invoice lines.
In sales and purchase invoices, subcontracting application can be done based on line. For this, line type must be selected as "Service". In the event of selecting the service card which was defined by checking "Apply Deduction" option, subcontracting can be applied to invoice line.

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