The Unit Conversion allows the materials for which the units do not have fixed connections to be accurately converted. By doing so, the purchase and inventory reports are generated using the requested unit and with accurate numbers. The option is located in the right click menu of the slip line.

The Material Transactions are recorded, tracked and reported with more than one unit type. A Unit Set is defined for each Material when the Materials are recorded. As many unit information as requested can be recorded in the unit sets, and be used in transactions. The quantities and main unit conversions of these units are specified by entering the unit conversion factor.

When units are converted, the quantities are transferred into the Material Status Info windows as Main Unit. The reports can be generated using the requested unit. The quantities are calculated in the reports using the unit Conversion Factor. However, the Unit Conversion Rate specified in the Material or Material Class may not be applied to certain material lines. In this case, a different Unit Conversion Factor to be applied to that transaction can be entered using the Unit Conversion option located in the right click menu accessed by clicking the Unit column of the related material while the slip or invoice window is open. The window that opens displays the main unit corresponding to the unit defined through the quantity entered on the line.