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The criteria to be used in supplier evaluations are recorded by "New" option located in the Supplier Evaluation Criteria list. More than one sub criteria can be defined for the evaluation criteria. The values of these are determined by defining the criteria.
The following criteria are defined as default in the program:

  • Delivery Performance
  • Quality Performance
  • Price Performance

These default criteria cannot be deleted and changed. But sub criteria information of the main criteria can be changed and the user can update point assignment transactions.
The fields and functions of the Supplier Evaluation Criteria window are:
Code: The definition code of the criterion. This field is mandatory.
Description: The name or description of the criterion.
Aux. Code: A second code field used to classify evaluation criteria. The Aux. Code is used to classify evaluation criteria records by company specific criteria.
Auth. Code: Used to define authorizations for each record. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on the job definitions.
The lines of the Supplier Evaluation Criterion window are used to define the sub criteria and their values.
Sub Criterion Code: The sub criterion code to be used in supplier evaluations.
Sub Criterion Description: The description or name of the defined sub criterion.
Value Formula: This field is used to define formula for user-defined criteria. The conditions are determined by the direction of formula defined in formula window with "_SQLINFO(,,)" function. In line with the entered criteria and points, supplier evaluation operation is run for relevant AR/AP and point calculation is done.
The values of the criteria are recorded by the fields under Values heading.
Value: The criterion value code.
Value Type: The type of the criterion value. This field contains the following options:

  • Numeric Value
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month

The type is selected that will be valid for the evaluation criterion.
Value Description: The description of the criterion value.
Point: Indicates the sub criterion value point.
The point assignment is used for grading the criteria values.
The default Delivery, Price and Quality performance criteria's sub criteria are:

Delivery Performance

Sub Criteria


Delivery performance max. delay time


Delivery performance max. delay amount


Delivery performance max. delay point


Delivery performance average delay time


Delivery performance average delay amount


Delivery performance average delay point



Quality Performance

Nonreturnable Performance Max. Return Rate


Nonreturnable Performance Average Return Rate (%)


Nonreturnable Performance Max. Return Amount



Price Performance

Standard deviation rate on price

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