It is the report used to access the records to be included in the e-Ledger and the detailed information of these records before generating the e-Ledger. The records can be checked before generation the ledgers and the errors can be corrected according to the control results and the ledgers can be created without errors thanks to this report.

Only the "Approved" G/L slips created for the Main Chart of Account are taken into account in the report. The G/L slips to create the e-Ledger file and the information on the slip lines are listed.

The filters to be accessed through General Ledger / Ledgers and Lists / e-Ledger Record List menu are as below:



Organizational Unit

Group / Range


Year Selection


Month Selection

Date Range

Start / End

Account Code Group / Range
Account DescriptionGroup / Range
Account Auxiliary CodeGroup / Range
Account Authorization CodeGroup / Range
Transaction Auxiliary CodeGroup / Range
Slip TypesType Selection
Source Slip TypeSlip Type Selection
Transaction CurrencyCurrency Selection

It is the report displaying the records to be entered in the e-Ledger file to be created for the relevant period. Only the G/L slips generated for the Main Chart of Account should be taken into account.