It may be necessary to carry purchase cost amount forward to G/L accounts of the future months / years. This structure is used especially in insurance operations. This option is located in the Operations menu of General Ledger module.


Slip Date: This is a mandatory field. You access to the Calendar by clicking  button and select the slip date.

Description: A description for service incomes and expenses is entered in this field.

Transaction: The options are:

  • Distribute to Service Expense Account
  • Distribute to Expense Account for Future Months
  • Distribute to Service Income Account
  • Distribute to Income Account for Future Months

If Distribute to Service Expense Account is selected, the service amount in service purchase invoice belonging to the transaction date is transferred from the relevant month's G/L account to the G/L account which is defined for the Service. 

If Distribute to Expense Account for Future Months is selected, the amount in service purchase invoice belonging to the transaction date is performed from expense account for future years to the expese account for future months


An insurance service valued at 24.000 TRY is purchased in October. When distribution duration is specified as 24 months, it reflects 1000 (24.000 / 24) to Service Expense account and 1000 TRY to each expense account defined for November and December. The remaining amount is reflected to the Expense Account for Future Years.

By running Distribute to Service Expense Account in November, the amount in service purchase invoice's expense account is transferred to the service expense account.

By running Distribute to Expense Account for Future Months in January 2014, it is reflected to the expense accounts of future months (January, February etc in 2014).

G/L Slip Types: Service incomes and expenses can be distributed on basis of the following levels:

  • Main Chart of Accounts
  • Second Chart of Accounts
  • Third Chart of Accounts

Distribution Duration in Service Purchase Invoice determines in how many months service amount will be distributed. Service amount is divided into distribution duration and monthly service amount is calculated. After approving invoice, service charge is automatically distributed to the accounts for future months and future years depending on distribution duration.

This operation is performed for only the selected Chart of Accounts Slips Types.

Service Income/Expense Distribution in Opening Slips

The service income/expense distribution can also be performed for Opening Slips. You should enter Service Distribution Type, Number of Months in Future Years and Income/Expense Account Code/Description in the Opening G/L Slip. You should enter Income/Expense Account Code when Service Distribution Type is selected. The number of months in future years should be specified as less than 12 if the future years are selected. The due date should also be specified.

You should select Opening in the Source filter for the operation to apply the opening slips. No transaction is performed for the opening G/L slips when the source type is Invoice.