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Engineering change information is recorded on the Engineering Change Transaction window opened by clicking on "New" button. The upper pane of the record window display the general information about the transaction, while the middle pane and the lower pane display the BOM and revision information, and the reason of the engineering change respectively. The fields and functions of the engineering change transaction window are:

Transaction No: The transaction number of the engineering change.

Date: The date of the change transaction. The date entered here is transferred into the Validity Date field of the previous engineering transaction record.

Aux. Code: The aux. code of the change transaction. This code can be used to facilitate the grouping and reporting operations for engineering changes.

Authorization Code: The authorization code of the engineering change.

Approval Information: Indicates the approval status of the engineering change record. This field displays Not Approved status when a change is recorded for the first time.

Once the record is saved, the approval status can be changed by selecting the relevant line in the Engineering Change Transactions list and using the Approve / Remove Approval option of the right mouse button menu.

Validity Date: Indicates the validity date of the engineering change record. If a change record is entered for a new revision, the record date of this engineering change is transferred into the validity date of the previous engineering transaction. Engineering changes can be related to the whole or part of the BOM. Each change is kept as a separate revision record.

Bill of Materials Code / Bill of Materials Description: The code and description of the bill of materials for which the engineering change will be performed. Defined bills of materials are listed by clicking on "..." icon, and a selection is made.

Revision Code / Revision Description: The revision code and description of the bill of materials to which the change will be applied. Defined bill of materials revisions are listed by clicking on "..." icon and a selection is made.

New Revision Code / New Revision Description: The revision code and description to be used to track the bill of materials and its lines after the engineering change transaction.

New revision information of the bill of materials definition are recorded using "Add Revision" option located in the right mouse button menu of the engineering change transaction window. The bill of materials and lines changed are recorded with a new revision number. The Engineering field of the bill of materials is used to specify whether or not the engineering change transactions will affect the bill of materials lines. When this field is checked, line information can change due to the engineering change transaction. If the Engineering field is not checked, line information cannot be changed through engineering changes.

The Method field is used to specify the method of the change transaction. This field contains the Date, Depletion, Lot/Serial Number and Date-Lot/Serial Number options.

If the engineering change will be performed after the date specified on the date line, date is selected as the change method.
If the engineering change will be performed after the depletion of a specific input material, Depletion is selected as the change method.

The type of the bill of materials line to be changed should be Input.

If either Lot/Serial Number or Depletion is used as the validity criteria of an engineering change transaction in the LOGO application, the material to which this criterion will be applied in the bill of materials must be specified.

The values of the input materials are specified on the Material Code and Material Description filter lines using group or range definition filters. A separate revision record is kept for each change to the material lists as a result of engineering changes, and these changes are tracked according to the main definition of the bill of materials.

If the engineering change will be performed after a product with a specific serial/lot number is produced, the Lot/Serial Number method is selected. Lot number or serial number values are specified on the Lot/Serial Number filter line.

The engineering change record saved using the Date-Lot/Serial Number method can be used to access both the revisions used for producing each material from the bills of materials (for example, using the appropriate BOMs and revisions of input type semi finished products in the BOM list by level), and the materials used for each unit of product and their serial numbers from the usage slips.

In the LOGO application, if the Date-Lot/Serial Number method is selected, the transaction cannot be saved without entering information into the Date, Material Code and Lot/Serial Number fields.

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