IUnityApplication nesnesinin GetLastError veya  GetLastErrorString metoduyla yakalayabileceğiniz hata kodlarıdır.

Bu hatalar Logo Objects'in çalışmasıyla ilgili hatalardır.

Hata No

Hata Mesajı


No error


Can not make basic connection.


Can not connect database.


Invalid user name.


Can not read user information.


Invalid password.


Can not login.


Can not get firm information.


Can not login to company.


Can not create query object.


Can not set SQL statement.


Can not craete XML file.


Can not open XML file.


Not allowed. (protection error) (Set ile UnityObject kullanma yetkisi yok)


Can not add trade group. Possible key violation.


Can not find trade group. Possible deleted key.


Can not lock trade group. Possible deleted key.


Can not write trade group. Possible key violation.


Can not read trade group. Possible deleted key.


Can not delete trade group from trade group list. Index out of bounds.


Can not delete trade group. Possible locked or deleted already.


Can not clear trade group list. No items yet.


Can not find requested class in registered classes list.


Already connected.


Already disconnected.


Can not collect firms list.


Can not collect users list.


Can not collect departments list.


Can not collect divisions list.


Can not collect warehouses list.


Can not collect factories list.


Can not collect factory divisions list.


Can not collect periods list.


Can not delete condition from conditions list. Index out of bounds.


Can not allocate new child object to append to line list of data object.


Can not find field by given name. This field name must be defined in resource field list.


Can not find field by given name. This field name must be defined in database.


Data object not ready to read data.


Can not delete data. Invalid reference.


Invalid data state. Data state must be insert or update.


Can not find field by given name in returned cursors' column list.


Can not locate first row in current cursor.


Can not locate next row in current cursor.


Can not locate previous row in current cursor.


Can not locate last row in current cursor.


Can not load column list of the current cursor.


Can not find given user.


Can not load user rights.


Invalid right type.


Rights list is empty.


Can not update rights list to database.


Port of the firm parameters table is null.


Can not find firm parameters info to update.


Can not lock firm parameters table to update.


Can not write firm parameters info to table.


Invalid module number.


Can not read approval date info from table.


Can not write approval date info to table.


Can not append firm info to CAPI database.


Can not update firm info to CAPI database.


Can not delete firm info from CAPI database.


Can not append user info to CAPI database.


Can not update user info to CAPI database.


Can not delete user info from CAPI database.


Can not append department info to CAPI database.


Can not update department info to CAPI database.


Can not delete department info from CAPI database.


Can not append division info to CAPI database.


Can not update division info to CAPI database.


Can not delete division info from CAPI database.


Can not append warehouse info to CAPI database.


Can not update warehouse info to CAPI database.


Can not delete warehouse info from CAPI database.


Can not append factory info to CAPI database.


Can not update factory info to CAPI database.


Can not delete factory info from CAPI database.


Can not append factory division info to CAPI database.


Can not update factory division info to CAPI database.


Can not delete factory division info from CAPI database.


Can not append period info to CAPI database.


Can not update period info to CAPI database.


Can not delete period info from CAPI database.


Can not read terminal info from CAPI database.


Can not delete terminal info from CAPI database.


Can not append terminal info from CAPI database.


Can not update terminal info from CAPI database.


Can not update authentication code.


Authentication code list is empty.


Invalid authentication type.


Can not read authentication codes.

-93Terminal sayısı limiti aşılmıştır


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İşlem iptal edilmiş ! ~ ~Borç kapama işlemi yapılamaz.


Fatura peşin ödenmiş ! ~ ~Borç kapama işlemi yapılamaz.


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İşlem döviz türleri uyuşmuyor !


Başka bir kullanıcı kapatma işlemi yapıyor.


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İşlem türü hatalı !


İşlemin tümü kapanmış !


Hareket bulunamadı!

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