The option used to bill purchase orders recorded from the Purchasing module in batches. This option is located under the Operations menu of the Purchasing module. Billing conditions are specified on the filter lines.
The information required to be the default in the invoice is specified in the e-Invoice/e-Archive Type, VAT Exemption Reason and Description, Additional Tax Exemption Code/Reason, Shipment Date/Time, Shipping Agent and Delivery Type fields in the Default window. The Shipment Date/Time, Shipping Agent and Delivery Type fields apply to e-Dispatches which will be generated after the transaction. These fields are mandatory. The Country info is displayed on the Shipping Agent screen; the Tax No and Title information are displayed for Legal Entity, and the TR ID No, Name and Surname information is displayed for Real Entity.

The slip number is displayed in the Slip Number fıeld in the Starting Numbers fıeld in the Default screen by the selection made in the Invoice Type filter of the batch operation. The document number to be transferred to the invoice to be generated is specified in the document number. It is required to specify whether a different document number is used in the “e-Invoice, e-Archive or e-Dispatch” type of records in the e-Document number fıeld. Otherwise, the value in the “Document Number” field is applied in these types of records. If the “Transfer Document No in Order Billing” parameter in System Settings> Default and Parameters> Purchasing Management> Parameters is selected as Yes, the “Document No” value in the order is displayed for the “Document No” to be transferred to the invoice. The document number specified in the “Starting Number” fıeld is applied if there is no “Document No” value in the order.

The information which should be in the invoice by default is entered in Reason for VAT Exemption and Description fields under the Defaults tab. Orders which will be billed are selected in filter lines.



Order Date

Start / End

Order No.

Start / End

Order Aux. Code

Group / Range

Document Number

Start / End

AR/AP Code

Group / Range

AR/AP Title

Group / Range

Organizational Unit

Group / Range


Defined departments


Defined warehouses

Billing Type

AR/AP Defined Rule / One-to-One / By Divisions / By Price Group Code / By Payment Plan / By Shipment Address / By Last Customer

Billing DateInvoice Date Default / Order Date

Invoice Date

Start / End

AR/AP Code Default

Group / Range

AR/AP Description Default

Group / Range

District Code

Defined districts

District Description

Defined districts

AR/AP Aux. Code

Group / Range

Delivery Type

Delivery Types

Shipping Agent Code

Group / Range

Existing Quantities for Warehouse will be Transferred

Yes / No

Payment Type

Prepayment / Without Prepayment

Show Information Window Upon Completion of Operation

Yes / No

Procurement Date

Start / End

Batch billing can also be performed by organizational unit and warehouse by making a selection on the organizational unit and warehouse number filter lines.
The Invoice Date filter line is used to specify the billing date of the receipts to be billed in batch. The date specified here is automatically transferred into the invoices.
AR/AP Code: If AR/AP code is not specified in the recorded orders, the AR/AP Code entered here indicates the AR/AP to which the receipts will be billed.
Determination of Batch Billing Method: The Batch Billing operation may be controlled by the user, or individual billing can be performed by divisions, or for the receipts matching the conditions specified in the filter lines.
Billing Type filter line is used to specify how the billing will be performed. Orders can be invoiced on a one-to-one basis or by division. The method to be used is specified on the Billing Method filter line.