This report option is used to list the sales totals with Amount in F.C. information in the given date range. It is located under the Invoice Reports menu of Sales Management module. The report filters are:



Material (Class) Type

Material Class / Commercial Good / Deposit Item / Fixed Asset / Raw Material / Semi Finished Good / Finished Good / Consumer Good / Assorted / Material Set / Service

Material (Class) Code

Group / Range

Material (Class) Description

Group / Range

Material (Class) Status

Active / Inactive

Material (Class) Auth. Code

Group / Range

Material (Class) Aux. Code

Group / Range

Material (Class) Group Code

Group / Range

Parent Material Class Code

The Class Code entry or selection

Date Range

Start / End

Transaction Type

Material / Promotion / Service / Deposit / Fixed Asset / Material Class / Material Set

Slip Type

Retail Sales Return Invoice / Wholesale Return Invoice / Retail Sales Invoice / Wholesale Invoice / Service Sales Invoice / Due Date Diff. Invoice (issued) / Price diff. Invoice (issued)


Defined departments

Organizational Unit

Defined organizational units


Defined warehouses

Currency Type

Currency options

Report Unit

Unit set and unit entry or selection


Convert to Main Unit / Convert to Reporting Unit

Page Setup

Same Page / Different Page

Billing Status

Unbilled / Billed

Dispatch / Receipt Status

Draft / Approved / Cancelled / Packaged / Under Way / Delivered / Cancelling