Batch Unit Price Setting: It is used for batch operation without selecting the "Price Setting" operation one by one for each line in the slip.

Cost Rates: The option used to record cost factors on input from production and input from project slips.

Transfer Demand: This option is located in Warehouse Transfer slip in which demands can be delivered. It is used to transfer internal demands and slip transactions. The "Transfer Demand" filter options are as below.



Demand Slip Type

Demand Slip / Purchase Demand Slip / Sales Demand Slip

Demand Slip No

Group / Range

Demand Date

Group / Range

Demand Aux. Code

Group / Range

Material Code

Group / Range

Material Description

Group / Range

Variant Code

Group / Range

Variant Description

Group / Range

Demand Warehouse

Group / Range

Demand Org. Unit

Group / Range

Requester Reg. Number

Group / Range

Evaluator Employee Number

Group / Range

The "Target Warehouse" affects the Transfer Demand filters in Warehouse Transfer slip.

Costs: This option is located in the Operations menu of the usage and scrap slips. The cost and profit rate of each line in the slip is tracked according to the selected costing method.

Inspection Options: Used to specify the input/output, inventory level control and budget control defaults during slip record.

Back to Defaults: Displays the material slips in standard sizes.