In j-Guar, materials are tracked by specifying customer/supplier and trading group. This feature allows companies which the materials are purchased from/sold to and the lead times to be tracked and reported. Recording the materials along with the Customer/Supplier information helps to decrease the loss of time in purchase and sales transactions and possible usage errors. Customer/Supplier info is recorded using the Customers/Suppliers option located under the Attached Records menu of the Material/Material Class browser. These definitions are used to transfer the AR/AP defaults into transactions. The slips and invoices can be recorded in a controlled manner using the material customer/supplier consistency parameter.

The Customer/Supplier information is recorded by following the steps below:

  • Material Management
  • Definitions
  • Materials
  • On the related Material card,
  • Attached Records
  • Customers/Suppliers

The Control Material - Approved Supplier parameter located on Purchasing and Sales Management parameters is used to ensure that only the customers and suppliers specified in the material definition are used in the purchase and sales transactions of materials/material classes.

In addition to tracking by AR/AP, materials can also be tracked by Trading groups, and parameters applied for the trading group are used as default in purchase, sales and G/L transactions.

The criteria to be used for material tracking are defined on the Type field of the customers/suppliers page.

The information recorded using the Customers/Suppliers option:

Type: The field used to define the customer/supplier type.

In addition to tracking by AR/AP, materials can also be tracked by Trading groups, and parameters applied for the trading group are used as default in purchase, sales and G/L transactions. The criteria to be used for material tracking are defined on the Type field of the customers/suppliers page. The field contains the following options:

  • By AR/AP
  • By Trading Group

When by AR/AP is selected, material and customer/supplier link in transactions is processed by AR/AP records. The AR/AP, related to the purchase and sales transactions is recorded on the AR/AP code and title fields. If AR AP/Material Consistency Control is applied, the AR/AP specified in the material definition and the AR/AP to which the slip and/or invoice belongs is checked. The transaction is not recorded if there is an inconsistency. The AR/AP material consistency control method is specified using the Purchase and Sales Parameters option of the System Settings section.
When by Trading Group is selected, material and customer/supplier link in transactions is processed by trading groups. The group to be used in purchase and sales transactions is recorded in the Trading Group field. If AR AP/Material Consistency Control is applied, the Trading Group specified in the record and in the slip and/or invoice is checked. The transaction is not recorded if there is an inconsistency. The AR/AP material consistency control method is specified using the Purchase and Sales Parameters option of the System Settings section.

When the Material-Customer/Supplier connection type is Trading Group, a connection is established between the materials and all the customers and suppliers under the specified Trading Group. However, if a connection for AR/AP is defined, it would have priority upon the Trading Group connection.

AR/AP Code: This field is used to enter the AR/AP code if the type is selected as AR/AP. The AR/AP cards list is accessed and the selection is made.

Active AR/AP cards can be selected on the AR/AP cards list accessed through the AR/AP code field. When Customer is selected in the Type field, the “Supplier” AR/AP records cannot be selected from the AR/AP cards list accessed through the code field. When Supplier is selected in the Type field, the “Customer” AR/AP records cannot be selected from the AR/AP cards list accessed through the code field.

AR/AP Title: The title of the AR/AP selected in the AR/AP Code field is directly transferred into this field.

Main Supplier: Indicates whether the selected supplier for the material is a main supplier or not.

Trading Group: This field is used to specify the Trading Group if Trading Group is selected in the Type field.

Customer/Supplier Code: The code used to track the material in the customer or supplier.

Customer/Supplier Description: The description used to track the material in the customer or supplier.

Quantity Dependent Delivery/Lead Time and Quantity Independent Delivery/Lead Time: These fields are used to record the quantity dependent and independent delivery and lead time defaults.
The time entered in the Quantity Independent Delivery/Lead Time indicates the number of days in which the supplier can procure the materials or the number of days in which the company can deliver the materials within this class to its customers.

The time in the Quantity Dependent Delivery/Lead Time field is calculated by considering the procurement quantities specified in the plant parameters. The lead times of the materials in purchasing transactions are calculated based on the procurement quantities specified in the plant parameters of the material. The time calculated by considering the times specified in the order slip, receipt and invoices and the Slip Date are automatically transferred into the Delivery/Lead Date field. If there are differences between these dates, the slip of the transaction can be recorded in a controlled manner. To do so, the Delivery Time Control filter under the Sales and Distribution Parameters and Purchase Parameters located in the System Settings section is used.

Barcode: The customer/supplier barcode of the material.

Order Quantity: Applies to suppliers. Indicates the quantity of orders given to the supplier.

Order Frequency (Day): Applies to suppliers. Indicates the frequency of orders given to the supplier. The maximum frequency is 1/day. This means that an order is placed every day.
If orders to the same AR/AP are to be combined, the “Order Frequency (Day) value is the frequency value entered on the Material Definition/Customers-Suppliers window.

This field can be used when Supplier is selected in the Type field.

Order Rate (%):Applies to suppliers. This option is used to proportionally or logically distribute the orders to be generated during the realization of the proposals to the suppliers.
A percentage value is entered into the order rate field. This rate allows orders to be placed in more than one AR/AP to meet the material need arising from the planning process.

Approval Status: Applies to suppliers. Indicates the approval status of the supplier. It lists the following options:

  • Draft
  • Approved
  • Forbidden

Draft, Approved and Forbidden options indicate that the supplier is draft, approved and forbidden respectively.

The AR/AP list can also be used to establish material customer/supplier connection with customer/supplier info. Materials are recorded with customer/supplier information through AR/AP records by following the steps below:

  • Finance Management
  • AR/AP
  • Related Customer or Supplier
  • Attached Records
  • Materials