Location tracking, access and usage point information of Materials/Material Classes is recorded under the Operations and Usage Point headings located in the Details tab of the Material definition window.


These fields are used to specify the location tracking and discount application defaults for the material.

Track by Location

The location tracking option is used to track the shelf or section of the warehouse containing the material. This box is checked if the track by location transaction will be performed for the material. The Location Tracking default is defined using the Location Tracking filter located in the Material Management Defaults and Parameters of the System Settings module. The selection made here is transferred into material definitions. If the "Track by Location" option is used, the material definition cannot be recorded without specifying the location.

Locations are recorded using the Locations option under the right click menu on the warehouse unit definitions on Company Organizational Units list of the Administrator section.

Material location is recorded separately for each warehouse using the Organizational Unit Parameters  option in the Attached menu of Materials browser.

 When the relevant warehouse - for which location information will be entered - is selected in Organization Unit Parameters window, the Location required for the selected warehouse of the relevant material is specified in Default Location field. 

Location Entry Control Default in Transactions

The "Track by Location" parameter located under the System Settings module > Material Management defaults and parameters must be selected as "Yes" in order to require location information to perform transactions related to the materials tracked by location.

Discount Inapplicable: Used if discounts will not be applied to purchase and sales transactions of the material/material class.

Configurable: This option is checked if material variants having different properties and values will be generated and configuration method will be used.

Subject to Inspection: Indicates that the material will be subjected to inspection.      

Apply Deduction: This option is checked if material will be applied deduction. When materials and services which will be applied deduction are used in invoices, the relevant deduction rates provided in the Other tab of invoices are applied.

In case that the "Deduction will be applied" option is checked for a material, yet the "Deduction will not be applied" parameter is specified as Yes for an AR/AP used in slip/invoice, then application does not apply deduction. If the "Deduction will not be applied" parameter is selected as No, the deduction limit which falls on the slip date is found, and deduction is calculated provided that VAT included amount exceeds the relevant limit. The deduction limit is entered historically in System Settings module > Definitions > Deduction Limits window.