AR/AP collection and payment transactions are recorded by selecting AR/AP Collection or AR/AP Payment as the transaction type.

Transaction Number: The record number of the safe deposit transaction. This field is mandatory.
Document Number: The number of the transaction document.
Document Date: The date of the transaction document.
Aux. Code: A secondary coding field used to group AR/AP payments and collections by company specific criteria. 

Authorization Code: Used to define detailed authorizations and to provide data security. Only the user with the authorization code specified here can process the safe deposit transaction.
Description: Used to record the description of AR/AP collection and payment transactions.
AR/AP Branches: Indicates the organizational unit of the transaction.
AR/AP Code: The AR/AP code related to the AR/AP collection or payment transaction. Existing AR/AP records are listed and the related definition is selected.
AR/AP Title: The AR/AP title related to the AR/AP collection or payment transaction. The title of the AR/AP selected on the code field is transferred into the field. However, the related AR/AP can also be accessed and selected from the title field.
Trading Group: Indicates the trading group of the payment or collection transaction. If a trading group is defined in the AR/AP definition, it is transferred on this field. 

Return: Indicates that the payment or collection is a return transaction. Yes is selected if the transaction is a return. 

Contract Number: This field is used to track and report the relevant contract in relation to which certain financial transactions are performed.
This field is available in safe deposit slips of AR/AP Collection and AR/AP Payment types.
The Contract Number field becomes active only if the AR/AP is specified.
The Contract Number field opens the Sales Contracts browser in safe deposit records of AR/AP Collection type.
The Contract Number field opens the Purchase Contracts browser in safe deposit records of AR/AP Payment type.

Import File Code: It is used to link the AR/AP slip entered from the safe deposit to the import file.


These fields are used to record the payment or collection amount.
Amount: The Payment/Collection amount.
RC Amount: Indicates the amount in reporting currency.
RC Exchange Rate: The exchange rate of the reporting currency. The exchange rate at the transaction date read from the daily exchange rate table is displayed on the field. The exchange rate of another day can be selected if necessary by accessing the rate table through the "…" button.
TC Type: Indicates the transaction currency of the AR/AP payment/collection.
Amount (TC): Indicates the payment/collection amount in transaction currency.
TC Exchange Rate: The exchange rate of the transaction currency. The exchange rate at the transaction date read from the daily exchange rate table is displayed on the field. The exchange rate of another day can be selected if necessary by accessing the rate table through the "…" button.

Analysis Details
Analysis dimensions and projects to be affected by the transactions recorded with the AR/AP slip are recorded using the Analysis Details option located on the slip. Analysis details are recorded separately for each line of the AR/AP slip.
Cash collection and payment transactions performed through the safe deposit are also recorded automatically on the AR/AP Slips list.