Back payment plans planned for the collaterals of Received Collateral (Bank) type are recorded using this option. Planned Payments option is located under the Attached Records of Collaterals browser.

Collateral Code and Commission Amount of the relevant collateral record are displayed on the heading section of Planned Payments window.
Back payment plans are recorded by opening a new line with Insert key. Payment plan information is entered and tracked in the following columns.

  • Date
  • Commission Rate
  • Capital Amount
  • BITT Amount
  • Stamp Tax Amount
  • Installment Amount
  • Capital (Remaining)
  • Paid Amount
  • Status
  • Valid

The payment transactions are generated according to the back payment plan specified in collateral definition using the Generate Planned Payments option located under the Operations menu of Planned Payments window. If back payment plan is not specified in the collateral definition, then collateral commission amounts are generated as single lines one by one.