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The invoice type used to record information about goods purchased from first and second class traders, and farmers required to keep books and exempted from tax or subject to lump tax. Producer slips function as material purchase invoices. SSSF and withholding taxes are paid by the producers. Fund values such as commission and exchange in purchases with intermediaries are also paid by the producer.
Persons who use producer slips, pay the tax applied on the withholding rate to the related tax office with withholding tax returns. Producer transactions are recorded using the producers slip and producer invoices options. Producer invoices and/or slips function as material purchase receipts and/or invoices. This invoice is used by companies who purchase from producers directly or through intermediaries. The invoice is issued by the buyer to the producer. Commission fees and funds are paid by the producer. The warehouse entry value of the product is the price before fund and commission deduction.
Producer invoices are recorded by selecting the Producer Invoice option as the dispatch/receipt type in the Purchase section. Order transactions are recorded using the purchase order slips. Purchase order slips are transferred to the producer slip using Order Transfer option, and producer slips are transferred into the producer invoice using the Dispatch/Receipt Transfer option.
The fields at the top of the producer invoice are used to enter general transaction information, while the lines are used to enter information about purchased materials.
The producer invoice contains the amounts entered on the line, the deductions calculated through percentages specified on Producer Parameters and the remaining net amount after these deductions.
Note: In producer invoice, stock market share can be calculated over net amount or over gross amount. To do so, "Stock Market Share Account in Producer Invoice" parameter is used which is located in Purchase Parameters of Administration program section.

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