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The following information is recorded with the purchase demand slip:



No: The record and tracking number of the demand slip. The slips are sorted by their numbers. The Slip Number field is mandatory. Slips cannot be recorded without entering slip number.

Date: The record date of the demand slip. The system date comes into field as default. This data can be changed if necessary. Slips are sorted by date. The Slip date field is mandatory.

Time: The record time of the demand slip. The system time comes into field as default. This data can be changed if necessary.

Auxiliary Code: A secondary code field used to classify slips. Contains 10 characters. The Aux. Code is used to classify slips by company specific criteria. The user can use this field to record any necessary information that is not included in the slip.

Authorization Code: Used to define detailed authorizations. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. A planning process must be performed for detailed authorization definitions. First, slips to be accessed or processed by each user or user group should be specified. Then, separate authorization codes are assigned to slip groups accessible by each authorization group. Slip based encryption can be performed by authorization code. In this way, only the users who log in with the specified authorization code can access and process the slips.

Document No: Document number of the demand slip. Slips are not sorted by document number. Therefore, more than one slip may have the same document number.


These fields are used the record information regarding the employee or division making the demand.

Department: Indicates the demanding department. This field is used to associate the demand with one of the departments making the demand.

Registry Number: The person to whom the demand belongs. Employee definitions are listed and the related employee is selected.

Organizational Unit: The organizational unit code of the demanding employee. Once the selection is made on the Employee No field, the unit/division information of the employee is directly transferred into this field.

Warehouse: This field affects the whole slip and therefore is mandatory. Indicates the warehouse of the demand slip. The selection made on this field is directly transferred into the Warehouse field on the slip lines.


Department: Indicates the department evaluating the demand. This field is used to enter information regarding the department evaluating the demand.

Registry Number: The person evaluating the demand. Employee definitions are listed and the related employee is selected.


Budget Status

Used to specify the budget status for the demand slip if the budget feature is used. The options are:

  • Do Not Control
  • Sufficient
  • Insufficient
  • Partially sufficient


Demand Slip Line Info

Type: Indicates the demand type. The demand type can be material or service. The options are:

  • Material
  • Service
  • Material Set
  • Asset
  • Material Class

Code: The material/service/asset/material class/material set/discount code depending on the selection made on the Type field.

If one of the material, material class and material set types is selected on the type field, recorded material or material classes are listed, and the material to be demanded is selected. If the demand is for a service, the code field lists recorded services, and the demanded service is selected.

Description: The description of the material or service selected on the code field. Recorded materials and services also be accessed and selected on this field.

Quantity: Indicates the demand quantity. If the undelivered quantity is to be changed after demand delivery, the entered value cannot be less than the delivered quantity.

Delivery Quantity: This field cannot be entered directly. The delivered quantity is transferred automatically once the demand is delivered.

Canceled Quantity: The canceled quantity is entered if part of the demand is canceled.

Actual Quantity: The field used to enter the delivered quantity of the demand.

Unit: Indicates the unit with which the demand will be made. The transactions related to materials and services are recorded using any of the units defined in the Material or Service records. The Main Unit specified on the card is transferred to the slip as default.

Unit Price: The unit price of the demanded material or service.

Currency: The pricing currency which will apply for the transaction in line is specified in this field.

Exchange Rate: The exchange rate information of the pricing currency.

Unit Price in F. Currency: The unit price in f. currency of the demanded material or service.

VAT Rate: The VAT rate which will apply for the transaction in line is specified in this field

VAT Included: Specified if the transaction amount is Vat included.

VAT Amount: The VAT amount which will apply for the transaction in line is specified in this field

Amount: The line transaction amount.

Amount (TC): The line transaction amount in transaction currency.

Status: Indicates the status of the demand line. When the slip is generated, all lines of the demand slip are in proposal status. The status of proposal slips cannot be modified by the user.

Delivery Type: Indicates the delivery type of the demand on the line. The options are:

  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Demand
  • Warehouse Transfer
  • Tender
  • Import
  • Purchasing File

The procurement type specified on the material card is transferred as default into lines of material, material class, material set and asset types. This can be altered during demand if necessary.

Alternative Material Usage: If the material or service demanded on the slip line has an alternative, this field is used to specify how the alternative material will be used to fulfil the demand. The options are:

  • Do not use Alternative
  • Use One Type of Material
  • Use One Type of Alternative
  • All

When Do Not Use Alternative is selected, alternatives are not used.

When Only Use One Type of Material is selected and if the inventory contains both the required and the alternative material in insufficient quantities, only the material with the highest quantity will be used for demand delivery.

When Use One Type of Alternative is selected, the alternative that fulfils the whole or majority of the demand is used. If there is no alternative fulfilling the whole demand in stock, and if the alternative fulfils the major part of the demand, the delivery transaction is performed through this material.

When All is selected, both the material and all alternatives can be used to deliver the demand.

Reservation: This option indicates whether the quantity, which is demanded for the material / service / asset / material (class/set) specified the line, will be reserved in the warehouse that is selected for the slip (general). You must check this option if the quantity should be reserved. The reservation default value is saved in the Sales Management defaults and parameters of the System Settings module.

Line Auxiliary Code: The auxiliary code of the Demand Slip is used to group the slip lines and filter a group of information when generating reports and to display the totals of the grouped information. This field can be used to record any necessary information that is not included in the slip. Line Aux. Code that is entered in the line is different from the Aux. Code located at the top of the slip. The Aux. Code located at the top is a code pertaining to the slip general, while the Line Aux. Code is used to group transactions. Filtering can be done by Line Aux. Code information in all slip reports. However, the application does not sort the slips by Line Aux. Code.

Delivery Date: The delivery date of the demanded material or service.

Requester Registry No: This field is used to enter the person making the demand on the slip.

Department: This field contains information regarding the demanding department.

Payment Type: Indicates how the amount of the ordered material or service will be paid on demand lines with Purchase delivery type. Recorded payment plans are listed and the related definition is selected, or a new definition is recorded.

Description: The description of the demand line. If the demand lines are the result of planning, the source planning record will be displayed on this field.

Information related to demanded materials or services is recorded by clicking the “Save” button. The recorded slip is listed on the Demand slips list along with slip date, slip number, document number, approval info, division, department, plant and warehouse column information.

Demand slip approval and delivery transactions are recorded using the menu options located in the right click menu of the Demand Slips list.

Warehouse: This field is used to specify the target or source warehouse if the material on the line enters from or exists to another warehouse than the one specified on the slip title section. The warehouse selected on the slip title section is transferred as default into the warehouse field of slip line.  Defined warehouses are listed, and the related warehouse is selected. Warehouses entered on the demand slip lines are directly transferred into the order slip.

Purchase Employee Code / Description: Indicates the employee who will perform the purchase transaction. Recorded employees are listed and the related definition is selected.

Budget Status: Used to specify the budget status for the demand transaction on the line if the budget feature is used. The options are:

  • Not Control
  • Sufficient
  • Insufficient
  • Partially sufficient

Org. Unit: The organizational unit code of the transaction in line.