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AR/AP transactions are recorded by selecting the appropriate slip type. This grouping operation will facilitate functional AR/AP slip grouping and reporting transactions.
AR/AP slip types and slip characteristics are recorded using the AR/AP Slip Types option located under the Slip Types option of the Types menu located in the System Settings module.
Defined slip types are listed by clicking the arrow icon next to the "New" button on the AR/AP Slips list. The related type is selected and the transaction information is recorded.

Image RemovedAR/AP Slip Info

AR/AP slips are recorded using the "New" option located in Finance > Transactions > AR/AP Slips browser.
Fields at the upper section of the slip are used to record slip bottom information. AR/AP transaction information is recorded from the slip lines and by clicking the related headings. The information to be entered is:
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Slip No

The tracking number of the transaction. Alphanumeric characters can be used to enter the employee number. The slips are sorted by their numbers. The Slip Number field is mandatory.

Slip Date

The date of transaction. The Slip date field is mandatory. Slips are sorted by date.

Aux. Code

A secondary code field used to classify transactions. Contains 10 characters. The Aux. Code is used to classify bank slips by company specific criteria.

Authorization Code

Used to define authorizations for each record. The string is 10 characters long. Each user may be authorized to use different records depending on job definitions. A planning process must be performed for detailed authorization definitions. First, transactions to be accessed or processed by each user or user group should be specified. Then, separate authorization codes are assigned to transaction types accessible by each authorization group.

G/L Slip No

The number of the G/L slip generated for the transaction according to the main chart of accounts.

G/L Slip No (2)

The number of the G/L slip generated for the transaction according to the second chart of accounts.

G/L Slip No (3)

The number of the G/L slip generated for the transaction according to the third chart of accounts.

Document Number

The document number of the AR/AP transaction

Purchase Employee/Salesperson Code

Salesperson or purchase employee code of the transaction. This field lists all salesperson and purchase employees defined in the system. The relevant salesperson/purchase employee definition is selected.

Organizational Unit

Indicates the organizational unit of the AR/AP transaction. The recorded organizational unit definitions are listed and the related definition is selected. Organizational Units are defined on the Administration section.


Activities or activity groups within an organization that are independent from each other in terms of organization and accounting. This field is used to associate the transaction with one of the defined departments of the company. Recorded department definitions are listed and the related definition is selected.

Slip Lines
AR/AP transaction information is recorded from the slip lines.

AR/AP Code

The AR/AP code of the transaction. The recorded AR/AP definitions are listed by clicking the "…" icon, and the related definition is selected.

AR/AP Title:

The AR/AP title of the transaction. The description of the AR/AP specified on the code field is transferred into the field. However, the related AR/AP can also be accessed and selected from the title field.

Trading Group

Indicates the trading group of the transaction on the line. Defined groups are listed, and a selection is made.


The description of the transaction recorded on the line. An alphanumeric field of 50 characters long.

Debit – Credit

The amount of the transaction.

Transaction Type:

This field is available only in AR/AP slips of Payment and Collection types to track payments and collections of purchase/sales contracts advance records. It refers to the type of transaction generated from Advance transaction. It lists the General (Cash), Advance, Advance Return, Collateral, Stoppage and Other Deductions options. The transaction type of Advance Slips generated over the contracts will be Advance automatically.

Stoppage Amount:

This field is available only in AR/AP slips of Payment and Collection types to track payments and collections of purchase/sales contracts advance records. It is used to enter the stoppage amount incurred from the Advance transaction.

The stoppage amount of Advance Slips generated over the contracts is acquired by multiplying the advance amount and stoppage deduction percent and it is transferred to this field automatically.

Contract No:

This field is available only in AR/AP slips of Payment and Collection types to track payments and collections of purchase/sales contracts advance records. Contract No field will open Sales Contracts in Collection slips and Purchase Contracts in Payment slips. The contract no field value is assigned automatically in Advance slips generated over the contracts.

Purchase Employee / Salesperson Code

Salesperson or purchase employee code of the transaction. This field lists all salesperson and purchase employees defined in the system. The relevant salesperson/purchase employee definition is selected.

Corresponding Account Type

This option is displayed on AR/AP slip lines if the line corresponding account is specified in slip type definitions. Used to specify the corresponding account to be applied to the transaction. The field contains the following options.

  • G/L Account
  • AR/AP
  • Employee

    When G/L account is selected, the G/L accounts are listed on the corresponding account and account description fields, and the related corresponding account is selected.
    When AR/AP is selected, the AR/AP accounts are listed on the corresponding account and G/L account fields, and the related AR/AP is selected.

Reporting Currency

The reporting currency type for the transaction on the line. The type specified in company definition is displayed. It cannot be changed.

Exch. Rate (RC)

The exchange rate of the reporting currency. The value read from the daily exchange rate table is displayed on the field. This data can be changed if necessary.

Total (RC)

The debit/credit amount calculated in reporting currency.

Transaction Currency

This field is used to specify the currency if the transactions on the slip line are recorded using a different currency than the local currency.

Exch. Rate (TC)


The exchange rate of the transaction currency. The value read from the daily exchange rate table is displayed on the field. This data can be changed if necessary.

Total (TC)

The debit/credit amount calculated in transaction currency.

Payment (Discounted)

The amount matched and closed using the Payment/Collection Transactions option located in the right-click menu of the slip is transferred into this field.

VAT Rate

The VAT rate to be applied to the transaction on the line on exchange rate difference slips.

VAT Amount

The VAT amount calculated by processing VAT rates and debit/credit amounts in exchange rate difference slips.

Payment Plan

This field is available on journal and opening slips. The payment plan specified in the AR/AP definition is transferred to the slip as default. If a different payment, due date option or rate will be applied for the AR/AP, another Payment Plan is selected from the Payment/Collection Plans list. In this case, the due date difference interest rate and value for the transaction on the line will be applied as set in the selected payment plan.

Transaction Aux. Code

Used to group the slip lines, filter a group of information during report generation and to display the totals of the grouped information. This field can be used to record any necessary information that is not included in the application but required to be added to the slip line. The Transaction Aux. Code on the line is different from the Aux. Code located at the top of the slip. The Aux. Code located at the top is a code pertaining to the slip bottom, while the Transaction Aux. Code is used to group transactions. Reports are filtered by Transaction Aux. Code.

Receipt Number

The receipt number of the transaction. When more than one document is recorded in the same slip, the receipt number of each transaction is recorded on the relevant line.

Related Organizational Unit

Indicates the organizational unit of the AR/AP transaction. Recorded organizational units are listed and the related unit is selected.

The debit/credit and balance totals are calculated in local and reporting currency on this field.
Description: The field used to record the description of the slip bottom.