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The Serial / Lot Numbers are assigned in relation with the input transactions in the Sales Dispatches. The Output Transactions option located in the right mouse button menu of the Serial / Lot Number Output window is used for output numbers. The Serial Number Input Transactions window is opened.

The list displays Serial / Lot Numbers assigned to the material in the line with the Slip Type, Slip Transaction Date, Slip Number, Serial Number, Description and Location Codes information. The Serial Number to be used in the output transaction is checked with the toolbar key or the mouse, and transferred into the output transaction in the line by clicking "Transfer" button.

The Serial/Lot tracking is monitored in relation with the output transactions in the Wholesales, retail Sales and Retail Consignment Slips. In such dispatches/receipts, the Serial/Lot No Entry window is opened when the Serial/Lot/Location Info is selected. The Lot / Serial output transactions of the material in the line are listed. The relevant numbers are selected using the mouse or the toolbar, and transferred into the transaction in the slip line.