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Warehouse Number: This filter line is used to filter the slips to be printed by warehouses. The warehouses of the division are listed in the window according to the selection made in the division filter line. The warehouses to be processed for printing are selected. 
All warehouses are selected as default in the LOGO application. 
If there is more than one form defined for the sales order slips, the form to be printed is selected from the list by clicking on "Select" button. 

Printing Status of Forms: Used to print the order slips by the printing status. This filter line includes the following options:

  • Forms That Are Not Printed Yet
  • All

If the forms that are not printed yet is required to be printed, the "Forms That Are Not Printed Yet" option should be selected in the filter line. 

Delivery Type: Used to filter the orders to be printed in batch by the delivery type selection. Delivery type is selected by defining group or range; filtering is made by the "Delivery Type" info in the details tab of the orders.

Shipment Agent Code: Used to filter the orders to be printed in batch by the shipment agent code selection. Shipment agent code is selected by defining group or range; filtering is made by the "Shipment agent code" info in the details tab of the orders.

Order Status:  Used to filter the orders to be printed in batch by the order status selection. Includes the "Proposal, Undeliverable, Deliverable" options. 

Shipping Status: Used to filter the orders to be printed in batch by the shipping status selection. Includes the "Unshipped, Partially Shipped, Fully Shipped, Fully Closed" options. 

In case of slips and invoices are wanted to be printed which are recorded without specifying AR/AP, a window is displayed that used to enter AR/AP communication information. Required data is entered and related slip or invoice is printed with "Print" option.

Printer Selection in Batch Printing

It is possible to select printers apart from the printers defined in the forms in batch printing. When "Yes" is selected for the "User Printer Settings Will Be Used" warning message during the printing, the slips are printed through the default printer. If there is not a default printer, the defined printer in the selected form will be used. When "Cancel" is selected for the mentioned warning message, printer selection window is displayed and all forms are printed through the selected printer; the user can select printer even if there is a defined/default printer.